All questions will be answered… maybe.

Happening in the World:  As President Xi Jinping announces a continued three-day drop in new coronavirus cases, conflict emerges with statements saying that Chinese leadsership was aware of the potential severity of the virus up to a month before any public address was delivered. (Al Jazeera)

Happening in the U.S.: Mississippi has declared a state of emergency amid rising floodwaters, stated to be one of the worst floods the central part of the state has seen in decades.  The area is vulnerable, as it has already faced heavy rainfall and tornadoes this month. (NYT)

Happening in NYC: In response to a new law that functionally ended cash bail in New York, some Democratic State Senators are proposing changes to the law that would give New York judges more discretion over whether to keep those accused of crimes in jail, causing a schism within the party. (NYT)

Happening on Campus: Tomorrow at 1pm, join Columbia on a guided tour and learn more about the history of the Morningside Heights campus! From building architecture to campus scultpures, maybe some Columbia mysteries will be revealed… (Columbia Events)