Bwog Staff Writer Will Lyman shares his thoughts on how the English language just got it wrong.
We all have those moments: taking notes in class, typing at astronomical speeds, when you look down to see that nothing you typed made any sense. Red lines flood your google doc. You are a failure. But hey, I don’t know how to spell conscientious either. Those words that are just too hard to pin down should be changed. Because you will never get it right, and that’s okay. Here’s how we should spell them:
Bourgeoisie / Boorshwasee
Necessary / Necesary
Sacreligious / Sac, religious
February / FEBUARY
Because / Bcuz
Wednesday / wedNESday
Queue / Q
Unconscious / Unconch-shell
Governmental / gubermental
Occurred / Ocur’d (also past tense of the popular “okurrr”)
Receive / Reese Witherspoon
Accommodate / Acomod8
Vengeance / Vengents
Toast / Toast
Rhythm / rithim
Caribbean / Carry Bean
Nicki Minaj / la miki minach
Believe / s(he) be(lie)ve(d)
Hierarchy / Higher Archie
Hors d’oeuvres / what
Committee / CommiT
Tomorrow / tmro
Daiquiri / slushie
Prescription / dismantle big pharma
Photo via Bwog archives