Depth and breadth, baby!

Name, School, Major, Hometown: Jaeda Mendoza, SEAS, Electrical Engineering, Davao, Philippines

Claim to fame: Rhyming ‘lawns’ with ‘croissants’ in the 128th Annual Varsity Show, managing zero stages in XMAS!17, “Oh I actually just transferred, I’m in the dual degree 3-2 Combined Plan Program which means that I spent 3 years at a liberal arts college and will be spending 2 years in SEAS…”

Where are you going? Across the pond (Brooklyn)

What are 3 things you learned at Columbia and would like to share with the Class of 2027?

  1. Shoot your shot. Whether it be in a personal, academic, or extracurricular context, don’t be afraid to take your chances! Want to actually hang out with that one kid on your floor who you always say hi to? Ask them! Want to join that club but you’re not sure if you’re qualified enough for it? Apply anyway! The worst you could get is a “no”, and the best could quite literally offer you a transformative experience. It’s obviously easier said than done and rejections definitely suck but it will always give you a sense of accomplishment and relief knowing that you at least tried. 
  1. Cherish the people that you meet. The reality is that some people will only be in your life for a little while—it could be that one kid in class that you’re always comparing homework answers with and never speak to again after the semester is over, or that graduating senior who you’ll only get to know for a semester before they take off. Spend time with them outside of class and extracurriculars: ask them about their passions and hobbies, accept their Senior Night invite, come see their show, or grab a meal with them before the ship sails. One of the best things about going to Columbia is the absolute depth and breadth of your peers, and oftentimes you don’t even realize that they are doing many cool things outside class until you initiate that conversation. 
  1. Choose your own peace and joy. We’re all achievers here but don’t forget to find that perfect balance between work and play. Especially when you feel like you’re about to reach your limit, make time to do things that will bring you happiness; life is short and you don’t want the defining experience of your college years to be suffering in Butler 24/7. You’re in the greatest city in the world! There’s always going to be something for you to do out there. If that means going to the same concert for three nights in a row in the middle of finals week with your iPad in tow, then so be it. Not saying I’m speaking based on experience… 

“Back in my day…” There was a tent on Low… Yeah I haven’t been here for very long.

Favorite Columbia controversy? 100% the US News scandal. 

What was your favorite class at Columbia? This will be quite niche because I only took EE classes in my two years here, but my favorites have easily been the ones wherein the professor always took that extra step to ensure that students were truly understanding the material. This is exactly what happens in any of Professor Irving Kalet’s classes in the EE department. Also shouting out Janderson who co-taught Fundamentals of Photonics last Fall!

Would you rather give up oral sex or cheese? Have you ever tried that scapegoat goat cheese that one vendor sells at the Greenmarket on Sundays?

Whom would you like to thank? In alphabetical order: Abdul, Ana Maria, anyone who has ever swiped me into a dining hall, Carlton Arms suite 1B for school year 2021-2022 (sorry for abandoning you in the spring), my Capstone group (Brett, Dimos, and Michael), Chapati House (I will miss you), Dig Inn Rewards Program, the Double Discovery Center, EE seniors, Emma, the EMS volunteers who drove me to Mt. Sinai for my wack injuries this year and last year, my family, Fatima, that group chat I’ve been in since my first semester where people send Partifuls, Karina, Liz, the LRL, Morgan, my professors, Richard, Sara, Siwanta, Tati, my therapist, Tiff, Uris Library room reservations, V128, Vedika, XMAS!17 

And anyone I don’t have listed, you know who you are!

One thing to do before graduating: Right by 125th St or 103rd St there’s an entrance to the Hudson River Greenway. An hour and a half before sunset, make your way to the Greenway and walk as far uptown or downtown as you can. Watch as the skies turn pink and the light from the sun reflects off the Hudson waters :)

Any regrets? I have never set foot in Dodge… so maybe that.

Jaeda Mendoza via Vielka R. Ebadan