Famous bwesties Avery Baumel and Erika Avallone review Joe’s latest seasonal beverage: The Yuzu Elderflower Spritz.

We are two sides of a barely recognizable coin: Erika loves what some would deem liquid gas, the bitterer the better (hence her black coffee addiction), while Avery likes drinks that maximize joy (current favorite: Trader Joe’s sparkling strawberry pink lemonade). Opposites attract? Anyway, as we walked into Joe’s, we both approached this drink with a good deal of skepticism, even though we both love elderflower. Unfortunately, our last Joe’s review, concerning the ABOMINABLE Fig Balsamic Latte, left us a little worse for wear. Our taste buds are still recovering. Would Joe’s summer seasonal drink, the Yuzu Elderflower Spritz, be an improvement from that tragic latte? 

The presentation of the Yuzu Elderflower Spritz was definitely a step up from the Fig Balsamic Latte. With bubbles that evoked an air of spontaneity and a sunny yellowish tint that felt very summery, the drink had a great first impression. A citrus slice (yuzu, probably, but maybe lemon? We have no idea) floated amongst perfectly sized cubes of ice, adding elegance and flair to the experience. The drink also came in matcha and espresso varieties, but we stuck to classic soda.

The first sip, we concurred, was very lemony fresh, just as it should be. The sweetness combined with a slight zing seemed perfectly curated to suit both of our palates. The drink was reminiscent of a Fresca, but a bit more bitter, and its carbonation dissipated at a leisurely, yet appropriate, pace. If Sprite, lemonade, and Fresca had a child, and then sent that child away to be emotionally hardened by an intensive boarding school (think Gordonstoun School from The Crown iykyk), then the result would probably be this drink. 

The spritz’s eye-catching feature was the citrus slice, which Erika pulled out to try. If the Trader Joe’s dried mango was actually dried lemon, and soaked in water for, like, 20 minutes, that would be what the wedge tasted like. It was a bit sweeter than the rest of the drink, and so any lingering bitterness was counteracted by this slice of sugary goodness. The wedge gave a necessary and tasteful facelift to the elderflower base. 

The Yuzu Elderflower Spritz will never top Erika’s large black cold brew or Avery’s medium iced chai latte with almond milk. We’ll stick to Irving (Erika) and Oren’s and Liz’s (Avery). Still, we very much appreciated the summer delight that was this drink (and it was MUCH MUCH BETTER than the Fig Balsamic Latte). Rest assured, we’ll be back to review Joe’s next seasonal surprise whenever it drops.

Image via Author