Barnard Health and Wellness has confirmed an on-campus case of whooping cough as of Thursday, September 19.

Barnard Health and Wellness confirmed an on-campus case of whooping cough in a Thursday, September 19 email cautioning students about health concerns on campus. Whooping cough, or pertussis, is a highly contagious respiratory illness commonly vaccinated against, although its vaccination is not required by Barnard. Columbia students were not notified about the case.

According to the Health and Wellness email, students should seek medical attention if they were “exposed [to] or… develop symptoms such as severe coughing episodes.” Barnard Health and Wellness also recommends that students ensure that their Tdap vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis are up-to-date. Barnard Primary Care Health Service (PCHS) provides the vaccine for Barnard students who are interested. Additionally recommended are the influenza vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine and booster.

Public Health Response Team emails were also sent to students who may have been exposed to whooping cough between the dates of September 9 and September 12. Students were recommended to stay home and test for pertussis if they develop a cough. The email wrote that students diagnosed with pertussis should stay home until they have taken five days of antibiotics or until a healthcare provider says they are no longer contagious.

The email sent to the entire Barnard community also details steps that students can take to protect themselves against rising cases of COVID-19. The full text of the email sent to Barnard students can be found below.

Email from Barnard Health and Wellness sent to Barnard community members on Thursday, September 19, at 4:00 pm:

Dear Members of the Barnard Community,

We hope you are staying well. As part of our ongoing effort to keep you informed about campus health, we write to provide updates on COVID-19, pertussis (whooping cough), and influenza, along with steps you can take to protect yourself and others.

  1. Increase in COVID-19 Cases

• There has been a rise in COVID-19 cases on campus. To help prevent the spread, we encourage following CDC guidelines, including:
• Wear a mask if you have symptoms, particularly around others, for at least 5 days or until symptoms improve.
• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
• Avoid close contact in crowded or poorly ventilated areas.
• Self-test for COVID-19: Free tests are available from the Department of Health and Human Services, or you can purchase them at local pharmacies.
• If you are experiencing symptoms:
• For students:
Call Barnard’s student health clinic, the Primary Care Health Service (PCHS), by dialing (212) 854-2091 to schedule an appointment.
• For staff and faculty, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your primary care provider or going to a local urgent care provider. Here is a list of urgent care providers close to campus.
• Vaccination: The vaccine is also widely available and is currently offered at many local pharmacies and can be found by using NYC Vaccine Finder, several locations offer this at no cost (with insurance).
• For students: The updated COVID-19 vaccine will be available at PCHS. We will share details in 411 once it is available. Additionally, be on the lookout for Student Flu and COVID-19 vaccine fairs in November from our Health and Wellness team.
• For staff and faculty, most local pharmacies have the updated COVID-19 vaccine. You can use the NYC Vaccine Finder to find locations near you.
• For additional guidance on managing COVID-19, please visit the CDC’s page here.

  1. Confirmed Case of Pertussis (Whooping Cough)

• A case of pertussis was recently confirmed on campus and treated by PCHS. While the vast majority of our population is vaccinated against pertussis, immunity can wane making you more susceptible. Pertussis is a contagious respiratory illness, and we encourage you to:
• Seek care if exposed or if you develop symptoms such as severe coughing episodes. For students, PCHS can provide testing for pertussis and treat it with antibiotics. For faculty and staff, your primary care provider or urgent care can test for and treat pertussis.
• Ensure your Tdap vaccine is up-to-date to protect against tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Students interested in an updated vaccine should contact PCHS at (212) 854-2091. Staff and faculty should contact their primary or urgent care provider to update vaccinations.
• For more details, refer to the CDC guidelines.

  1. Protecting Yourself from Influenza (the Flu)

• As flu season approaches, it is important to protect yourself from influenza by following guidance from the CDC:
• Get your flu vaccine: Flu vaccination protects against the three main strains of the flu virus and is your best defense. For students, PCHS currently has the flu vaccine available. If interested, please call (212) 854-2091 to schedule an appointment. Additionally, be on the lookout for Student Flu and COVID Vaccine fairs in November from our Health and Wellness team. Staff and faculty can find information and locations for the seasonal flu vaccine in NYC here.
• Practice the same preventive measures as for COVID-19: stay home if you feel sick, wear a mask if you have symptoms, wash your hands frequently, and avoid close contact with others.
• Medication to treat the flu is available and most effective when started early in the illness. Seek care if you develop flu symptoms such as fever, body aches, or a sore throat.

  1. Summary of Key Points:

• COVID-19: Follow CDC guidelines, wear a mask if symptomatic, and stay up to date with vaccinations. Free tests are available, and PCHS will offer the updated COVID-19 vaccine soon.
• Pertussis (Whooping Cough): Stay aware of symptoms, keep your Tdap vaccine current, and seek care if exposed or symptomatic.
• Influenza: Get vaccinated, practice preventive hygiene, and seek early treatment if you develop flu symptoms.

Barnard’s Health and Wellness team is dedicated to your overall well-being. 

For students: The Primary Care Health Service (PCHS) is here to support your health needs. Located in the basement of Brooks Hall, PCHS offers free visits, regardless of your insurance (lab tests may be billed to insurance). To schedule an appointment, call (212) 854-2091. We’re open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and there is a 24/7 phone triage service.

For faculty and staff: Please contact your primary healthcare provider and coordinate any needed checkups, immunizations, and more. You can also contact your local pharmacies and urgent care centers to see what non-emergency services they may administer (e.g., vaccinations). For any care, please check with your health insurance carrier to determine if a provider or facility is a participating in-network provider or an out-of-network provider.

Wishing you good health,

The Health and Wellness Department

Barnard College

Barnard Hall via Bwog Archives