This year has so far seen the launch of several Columbia student blogs, and the death of almost as many: Spectator‘s opinion blog The Steps and its sports blog Pressbox are both defunct, and the Dems’ Lion and the Donkey hasn’t published since April 5. Fortunately, the Columns is still going strong, and WikiCU adds new stuff every day.
Optimism check: Columbia’s web presence may expand and contract, but Bwog feels confident that the teleology is positive. Let us know if we’re missing any!
@the columns is awesome
@Let us not forget We had a whole slew of dead blogs that was once CUcommunity/campusnetwork
not the same i know, but still…
@CUCommunity CUCommunity was great. I’d love to have copies of the shit that I wrote on that site. Are they archived anywhere?
@racist komments racist komments are killing the bwog
@you're an example of bias. in the same way racist comments may not represent all bwog readers, you’re assuming racist comments are offensive to all readers. i however find them to often be funny. even when they knock on my race (black + indian)
@Get ready.. The Core is coming.
@Anonymous Ah forget The Steps, they were no fun anyways.
I am surprised though, the new magazine, The Eye, isn’t half bad.
@You're Right! It’s all bad.
@Ahem Bwog is dead.
@CS Lewis fuck you, Nietzsche
@ARR Sorry! We must have missed it, could you send it to us again?
@completely off topic but how often do you update the events calendar? i sent you an event over a week ago and it still hasn’t been added :-(
@Herman Furrypaws Hashbrowns and Toast rules!
@Get it now? There are blogs posted on WikiCu. See here:
@dsz Yes, well, theonetrain will be around for a while longer.
< / shameless plug >
@Taylor I love you Dr. Zeus.
@the columns rocks
@Insider Info the dems blog is coming back next year under the now focused (on the blog) leadership of last year’s media director Jacob Taber
@haha these blogs come and go so frequently. there will be another 5 dems blogs in the next 3 years, for sure.
also, wikicu is not a blog, it’s wiki. isn’t that obvious?