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@i ruined this site so glad that steve irwin is dead too bad he didnt get killed by cho seung hui and got fucked by matt sanchez
@wwwd? the tag should really be watson house, not ec…
@So... the residents in the upper suite are planning to remain in Columbia indefinitely, despite their parents’ refusal to fund them?
@what? what are you talking about?
@watch the news much?
@well i guess it was a reference to iraq war funding, but it didn’t quite make sense. sometimes attempts at humor have to make sense.
@wtf why was my comment about the top photo deleted? I sense rightist censorship among thee, bwog!
@but it's still remarkably 3-dimensional.
@damn the steve irwin cutout was better when they had him popping out of the shrubbery in the courtyard.
@i agree that it was better with him in the shrubbery, but someone had moved it before i had the chance to take a picture.
@Mouth? Please say that’s not a hole where his mouth should be…
@what? Someone left a cardboard Steve Irwin? I’ll take it!
@RIP too soon, man. what’s wrong with you?
@c/o watson house
@haha Def. Watson house! You guys wlil be missed