Once again, SGA revealed its capacity to get things done. Despite starting late and running long, members at this week’s Rep Council meeting heard from two student groups, voted on election guidelines and endowment proposals, and–our favorite–discussed the most recent Desserts After Dark results. First, members of the Black, Latinx, and Indigenous Constituencies under the […]
There’s always something that needs to be fixed at Barnard, and once again our fearless SGA is trying to get things done. At this week’s blessedly brief Rep Council meeting, the Student Government Association discussed what can be done about winter housing. Unlike at Columbia Housing, where dorms are open throughout winter break for whichever […]
This week’s SGA meeting focused on food insecurity and plans to make Barnard students healthier. Changes to Barnard’s rule on “double-swiping” and the introduction of the Share Meals app have been proposed. This week, SGA finally took a break from it’s endless line of administrative guests and strike frenzy to focus on….nothing much. Barnard’s Rep […]
This week, Barnard’s SGA Rep Council meeting stayed topical and to the point, with discussions about the likely BCF-UAW strike, a presentation of the council’s mid-year financial report, and speeches by candidates for the Representative for Sustainable Initiatives. The SGA began by welcoming student guests, four members of Student-Worker Solidarity, a labor solidarity group. Barnard’s […]
This week’s SGA meeting focused on negotiations between the faculty union and administration with the strike deadline fast-approaching. Promotion of student health and the creation of new programs have been proposed with an emphasis on using preexisting resources that Columbia is currently underutilizing. At last night’s SGA Rep Council meeting, our Barnard student leaders showed us what […]
Provost Linda Bell and Associate Provost Patricia Denison joined SGA last night to discuss Barnard’s most recent negotiations with the Barnard Contingent Faculty Union and to field student questions regarding the College’s proposals. Bell spoke frankly and openly to the Rep Council and the forty-some students assembled in support of the BCF-UAW. Bell began by […]
This week’s SGA meeting welcomed yet another Barnard administrator to remind SGA just how little they know about how colleges get run. Chair of the Board of Trustees Jolyne Caruso-Fitzgerald sat down with Barnard’s Rep Council to discuss President Spar’s interim replacement, as well as how the search committee will go about finding someone permanent. Caruso-Fitzgerald, who […]
This week, Barnard’s SGA welcomed not one, not two, but three administrative guests. This is by far (well, by one) the largest number of administrative guests at a single this meeting this year. So what happened at this star-studded meeting of the Rep Council? Read on to find out. Louise Hood, Associate Vice President and […]
This week, Barnard’s Student Government Association met to discuss finances, fundraising, and the new Student Leadership Collective charter. Slideshow projectors were forgotten, two members were online shopping, and the meeting neither started nor ended on time. All in all, a pretty exciting evening with SGA. COO Goldberg and VP Silver joined SGA to discuss how […]
This week in SGA, the emphasis was on how they planned on spending away the endowment and, more importantly what Barnard is already spending your tuition on. Buckle your seat belts, because this past SGA meeting was a bumpy, ambiguous ride. At last night’s Barnard’s Student Government Association Rep Council meeting, VP of Finance, Evelyn McCorkle, presented the proposals […]
In this week’s survey of Barnard’s SGA meeting, Dassi Karp discusses recent Seven Sister Conference and campus health, among other Barnard related initiatives. So, Barnard’s Student Government Association met again. In a departure from recent excitement (mostly about Barnard Contingent Faculty/UAW dealings with the admission, which don’t seem to have advanced at all), this week’s […]
Halloween may be over, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t indulge your sweet tooth. Barnard’s SGA discussed a number of hot button issues at this week’s meeting, including its recent survey that promised free donuts and cookies to participants. JJ’s came up as well. Bureau Chief Dassi Karp recounts the important happenings west of Broadway! The Desserts After […]
This week’s SGA meeting as all about the Benjamins, as many aspects of the discussion had to do with money. Instead of indulging in the first 2016 Presidential Debate, Staff Writer Dassi Karp attended the meeting and left with one thing on her mind: BBHMM! Last night, a strong and smart woman took to the political […]
This week’s SGA meeting seemed like a bit of a circle jerk, each rep congratulating another on what accomplishments were made last year. They brushed over some topics that they couldn’t make a dent in (we’re looking at you, Winter Housing Policy and Free Tampons), but largely just wanted to talk about Diana swipes. We sent Bwogger […]
In Defense Of: Using An Umbrella In The Snow
December 28, 2024An Oral History Of The Barnumbia Mascots
December 26, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024A Personal Analysis Of Columbia’s Principles Of Economics Class: Ignoring Reality
December 14, 2024