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SGA Rep Council met last night. Well, some of it at least. Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp most certainly was present, though. Check out her recap below! Remember yesterday? Before reading week began, before the existential dread that comes with finals set in? Before you started guessing every choice you’ve made all semester, analyzing every […]

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You looking for SGA news? We got it! Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp went to Barnard’s Student Government Association Representative Council meeting last night, and she really did her best to pay attention the whole time. Read on to find out what (if anything) went down. We’ve made it. We’ve been trying not to get […]

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Yesterday was Monday, and you all know what that means–the Representative Council of Barnard’s Student Government Association met again, to keep up the appearances that they know how to get relevant things done. As always, Dassi Karp was there to take it all in. It was health and wellness night for SGA, and Rep Council […]

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SGA’s Rep Council met once again last night and, as always, Dassi was there to report on what happened. We can’t promise any exciting news–everybody is a bit tired before Thanksgiving, and neither our Barnard Bureau Chief or our Barnard Student Government Association is an exception. But things do happen, so read on anyway to […]

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Well, Barnard’s SGA met again, this time to present the results of the Desserts After Dark Survey. Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp was there to see if anything interesting would happen (spoiler alert, nope). Read on for some *fun* statistics and unsolicited opinions about how Rep Council should run their meetings. Don’t get me wrong. […]

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Barnard’s SGA met once again! And, once again, Barnard Bearoness Dassi Karp was there to report on successes, mishaps, and hot takes. Read on to learn what went down. Barnard’s current ten-year contract with Aramark, which runs Barnard’s dining services, is reaching its natural expiration. At last night’s meeting, Barnard’s SGA Rep Council had the […]

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Today’s Tuesday, so that means another recap of the weekly Rep Council meeting of Barnard’s Student Government Association. Wait, you must be asking yourself, do those really happen every week? How could they possibly have enough to talk about? Great question. The answer is that they really don’t. Instead, SGA has been keeping with their […]

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Didn’t catch last nights meeting of Barnard’s SGA Rep Council? Probably a good call–you have midterms to study for and you, fastidious reader of Bwog, know that these meetings are generally sincere yet boringly bureaucratic at their best and complete displays of incompetency at their worst. That didn’t stop Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp from […]

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Last night’s meeting of Barnard’s Student Government Association Rep Council was strictly business and usual. Meaning, of course, that there was not much to get done, but everyone was pretty earnest about it nonetheless. Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp is back and sardonic as ever! Read on for her recount of the very little that […]

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Missed the last SGA meeting of the semester last night? No fear! Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp was there. She reports back on college budget changes, meal plans, and what will almost certainly not be the last advancement in the CUAD divestment discussion. Also, zines. Last night’s Barnard Student Government Association meeting was the last […]

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Last night’s Barnard Student Government Association Rep Council meeting was officially about the budget for the upcoming school year. While the gathered reps were treated to a vary detailed slideshow of budget requests, allocations, and projections, most of the action came earlier in the hour, when SGA Executive Board spoke about responses to the recently […]

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Barnard Bureau Chief Dassi Karp reports on last night’s Student Government Association meeting, which might have been even more boring than usual. Intrigued? Read on. This student guest thing has gotten out of hand. At last night’s meeting, SGA welcomed not one but ten representatives of performing arts groups to present complaints and questions about […]

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Student council elections are upon us! At Barnard’s SGA Candidates Forum last night, the Pinkberry was late but the candidates were not. 33 different candidates spoke about their qualifications and plans for the future. Only 10 of the 22 open positions were contested. Read on to learn some of what those candidates had to say […]

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SGA Talks Food

At long last, Barnard’s Student Government Association’s meeting centered on a topic relevant to all students: food. Last night, our resolute representatives heard from the Food Advisory Board; the ad hoc Committee on Food Insecurity; Simone Harper-Register, Regional Aramark Manager; Lauren Scocozza, Director of Dining Services; and Gail Beltrone, Vice President for Campus Services. Questions […]

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