Happening in the World: Thousands of people gathered in central Rome yesterday to protest the degradation of their city under the populist Five Star Movement administration. Among the issues include unpredictable garbage collection, out-of-service public transport, unfixed potholes, and a bus fire this past May. Happening in the US: A gunman opened fire in a Pittsburgh […]
In the distance, do you see it? It’s the promise of grapes, snacks, and pitches galore at our meeting tonight at 9pm in Lerner 510! In honor of Aeschylus and The Oresteia, we present to you our inner monologue at this most favorable signage. Oh hail, glory of the grape vine, harbinger of Bwog’s shining, and […]
Happening in the World: A Central American migrant caravan heading north to the US has been stopped by Mexican riot police on a bridge connecting Guatemala and Mexico. Many of the thousands of migrants are Honduran, and they seek refuge from violence and poverty. Trump has praised Mexico for its efforts and threatened to deny aid to […]
In honor of crisp fall weather finally descending upon us and some lingering thoughts of summer, have this love sonnet Shakespeare himself wrote to Bwog. And come to our open meeting tonight at 9pm in Lerner 510! Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Many hands do take the […]
Feeling saucy? Love Bwog? Sign up for our weekly newsletter and never look back. Happening in the World: Migrants in Riace, Italy, a town famous for being immigration-friendly, will be transferred away per order of the Italian government. Mayor Domenico Lucano, long praised for his integration plan, has been placed under house arrest. Happening in […]
Breaking news: Sappho’s lyrics have been uncovered to reveal a much different meaning from their original interpretations. . . meanings pretty close to announcements about Bwog’s open meeting tonight? We investigated further. 22. ] ]work ]face ] ] if not, meeting ]no joy ] ]I bid you sing of Bwog’s open meeting tonight, situated in Lerner […]
Happening in the World: Interpol, the international police organization, is asking China about the whereabouts about its missing president, Meng Hongwei. There has been no word of him since September 25; he has reported to have been taking away for questioning. Happening in the US: Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed and sworn in yesterday by the […]
Someone ate our grapes, and the culprit was quite the poet (sounds oddly like William Carlos Williams). Attached is the note from our resident Grape Grubber. If you want a taste of these highly prized fruits of the deciduous woody vine (we restocked!)— or you just love Bwog — come to our open meeting tonight! This […]
Bwog’s got a newsletter! If you love saucy details and salacious intrigue, you’ve come to exactly the right place. Sign up here! Happening in the World: A magnitude-7.5 earthquake and tsunami struck the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia this past Friday, impacting 2.4 million people. The number of casualties has risen to 832 as of today, with […]
Becoming a first-year at Barnumbia meant lots of preparation; filling out housing and health forms, finding a roommate, registering for FYE/Core classes, and most importantly, dorm shopping. New Bwog Staff Writer Alicia Benis, a first-year herself, finds out what became of the many items friends, family, and Bed Bath and Beyond said we needed (but […]
Bwog was dancin’ and jivin’ this weekend because of one special band. Come to our open meeting tonight at 9:00 pm in Lerner 510 and get groovy with us! ♫♪ Do you remember The 23rd night of September? Bwog was meetin’ in Lerner five one ten While chasin’ the morning away Our hearts were ringin’ At the […]
Happening in the World: An overloaded ferry capsized on Lake Victoria in Tanzania this past Thursday; the number of casualties has since climbed to 209. The exact cause of this disaster is not known yet, though initial reports indicated the ferry greatly exceeded its passenger limit. Happening in the US: Homeowners rebuilding after the destruction of Hurricane Florence […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025