Bwogline: Yesterday, the House of Representatives narrowly passed The American Health Care Act, which would allow states to set health insurance rules and charge more for people with preexisting medical conditions. The bill could also mean defunding for Planned Parenthood. The bill has yet to pass in the Senate. (Washington Post) Study Tip: Sleep. Really. Although […]
Bwogline: The UK and EU are arguing over a Brexit negotiation. Brexit Secretary David Davis says that the UK won’t pay a 100 billion euro fee as the “divorce bill.” (BBC) Study tip: Get started on things early so you won’t be stressed near the deadline. This might seem like something really obvious to say, […]
Time to carpe diem and hit those books! Bwog is here to change things up for the last two weeks of the spring semester, presenting its first installment of Bwog in Bed, kindly nudging you to get out of bed and end the semester on a high note! Bwogline: There appears to be a massive […]
Bwogline: Despite bipartisan support for the issue, the North Carolina legislature failed to repeal the controversial House Bill No. 2, which limited bathroom access and other human rights for LGBTQ people. (New York Times) Study Tip: If you still have finals, you’re probably in cram mode. Give yourself a little break before your last test (or before you […]
Bwogline: Certified final results for the 2016 presidential election are in. Hillary Clinton won 2,864,974 more votes than Donald Trump, meaning that she now has by far the largest ever margin of victory in the popular vote for a candidate who did not win the election. This news continues doubts surrounding the efficacy and purpose of […]
Bwogline: In case you were wondering how much fuller Donald Trump’s cabinet swamp could get, newly appointed Secretary of State Rex Tillerson evaded taxes in the Bahamas while running a US-Russian oil firm. (The Guardian) Study Tip: Get out of Butler! If you’re looking for a neat new study space, try the Gottesman Library (ft. […]
Bwogline: A deer by the name of Jackie Robinson was on death row after the office of Mayor Bill de Blasio captured the deer that was roaming the streets of Harlem. He was about to be euthanised when Governor Andrew M. Cuomo stopped the euthanization, demanding that the deer be released. Although the laws are […]
Bwogline: Yesterday, many Silicon Valley tech firms had a meeting in New York City with President Elect Donald Trump. At the meeting, Trump made a promise to the firms that he would make fair trade deals. Study Tip: If you need to remember long lists of names, dates, or events, make fun mnemonics to help yourself remember them. Think “Please […]
Congratulations, everyone, we made it through! If you’re still working through a project with an extension, we’re wishing you luck. If not, good job surviving another year of the Columbia grind. Today’s our last day of the year, and we hope you party with all the energy of a kid just released on summer vacation. […]
Look. It’s almost over. You can see the light at the other side of the tunnel. A lot of people have been leaving, making a racket all day, but they’ll be gone shortly. We won’t keep you long, we assume you’re either ready to hit up the bars or recovering from them. So go out. […]
It’s almost over! Breathe in deep, pant between pushes, and you’ll be done before you know it. For those of you who are already done with finals: we hate you. Don’t talk to us. Please get into your big blue bin and roll down Broadway. To the rest of you: stay strong. Bwogline: It could be worse! […]
We’re at the height of finals, friends. The beginning is far behind us, and the end is not yet in sight. Our rooms are swamped with notes and trash, and we dread the day we must pack up and leave. Butler is swamped with notes and trash, and we anticipate the day we must pack up […]
It’s Monday – technically day two of finals, even though it feels like we’ve been doing this for years. No matter how much you studied this past weekend, you probably didn’t do as much as you wanted to. But you know what? That’s fine. You’ll kill it anyway. (And if you don’t, you’ll still be […]
Finals season–fun, or focus? What is it really about? We’d lean towards the former. You can study, and still have a lot of fun, too. Even if you aren’t winning the Kentucky Derby like this horse, you can *win* at finals season with our gnarly study tips below. Bwogline: A horse named Nyquist (Nyquil? no) […]
Today is Saturday, your break from a long week of sneaking fragrant Spaghetti Meatball HamDel sandwiches in Ref Room. Go outside and enjoy the weather! It’s not supposed to rain today; instead, the humidity will be at 93% without a chance of any sunshine all day. Bwogline: KFC has officially launched its campaign for edible fingernail polish […]
You Can Take the Soviet Out of Russia…
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