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Posts Tagged with "reading week"

Learn how to study AND how to procrastinate with today’s Bwog in Bed!

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Between finals and election, there are several finish-lines in sight.

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Bwogline: Ukraine has halted its cooperation with Robert Mueller’s investigation. The investigation in Ukraine focused on Paul Manafort’s financial fraud; Ukraine is dependent on the U.S. for military aid, aka big anti-tank missiles, and is scared of upsetting the Trump administration by cooperating. (New York Times) Study Tip: Self-care, y’all! Which doesn’t mean just doing a face […]

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Bucket List represents the intellectual privilege we enjoy as Columbia students. We do our very best to bring to your attention important guest lecturers and special events on campus. If you notice any events that have been left off the list, or have a correction to make, please leave them in the comments. Recommended: Post-conflict […]

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It’s that time of year again: finals are approaching, and high stress levels can be felt all across campus. To combat this, multiple student groups and organizations are putting on study breaks during the next two weeks to prioritize mental health and healthy study habits for undergraduate students. Bwog knows how busy everyone is, so […]

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Bwogline: What are you doing while reading Bwog? Researchers found out that multitasking “produces shallower thinking, reduces creativity, increases errors and lowers our ability to block irrelevant information.” (BBC) Study Tip: Turn off your phone, leave the Columbia buy/sell memes Facebook group. You have just doubled your study time. Music: There is nothing more exciting […]

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It’s Reading Week, you’re looking through your notes, and you realize much of what you scribbled down is illegible, strange, or undecipherable. Even more of it is just amusing. Below are some of your classmates’ notes, which are by turns sad, excited, mean, and strangely enough, helpful.  Life Mottos “Mitochondria Are the Powerhouse of the […]

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It’s Day 2 of Reading Week! We know you probably don’t believe in yourself but that’s okay, because we have enough faith in you to power Butler for an entire week. Get out of bed, go to that study group, write 6 pages of your paper, and smash that mf final! Alternatively, listen to mopey […]

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We weren’t sure what this “reading week” stuff was all about, so we sent staff writer Phoebe to find out. Turns out, we’re actually expected to study this week! Well, that wasn’t going to happen, so instead Phoebe compiled a list of 10 alternatives to this “studying” nonsense to get you through the next seven or […]

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Yesterday an email was sent out to students from CCSC 2017 President, Ravi Sinha. During reading week, Hamilton Hall will stay open even later on weeknights – midnight, to be exact. This means more study time and more study space for students for the duration of Finals season. We hope students will take advantage of this extension […]

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For Reading Week, Bwog is sharing a walk a day leaving from Columbia’s campus. Today’s Walk to Remember comes from Internal Editor Britt Fossum, who has been known to stress-walk approximately 500 miles when faced with looming finals. When you get kind of stir crazy after a long day in Butler, head off campus to […]

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Still in bed, recovering from the various formals of the past couple of nights? Whether it was DG or Theta or Sig Chi or Beta (or none of them–we at Bwog have spent the last few nights at a booth at 1020), try to power through your hangover this morning and prepare a little for […]

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Tonight’s the night for the Midnight Pancake Breakfast at Broadway Presbyterian Church.  The doors will open at 11pm and stay open through 1am.  Come, fuel your studies with a buttery bite or two.  Invite your friends! The evening is co-sponsored by BPC, Advent Lutheran Church, St. Paul & St. Andrew United Methodist Church, and Parity […]

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Britt Fossum can’t sit still when there are things to stress about during finals season. So instead of spending her downtime curled up around a hot computer, she actually goes out and does stuff. No Netflix? No problem. I worry about a lot of things during reading week. I worry about my health, my grades, […]

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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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