Happening in the nation: The Endangered Species Act was implemented during Nixon’s presidency to protect more than a thousand threatened or endangered species of plants and animals. Congressional Republicans have introduced 11 pieces of legislation that might put endangered species at risk. (Scientific American) Happening in NYC: It appears that spring has arrived in Brooklyn and […]
Happening in the world: With the continuation of climate change, Arctic plants are beginning to grow. With the increase in temperature and less continental ice coverage, plants are growing nearly a month in advance. This is the biggest “shift in spring-bloom timing” ever recorded by scientists in the Arctic region. (NY Times) Happening in NYC: A full bottle […]
Columbia Engineering Student Council Hosts the First Annual SEAS Cardboard Boat Regatta
March 9, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025