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Posts Tagged with "cu women in stem"

A definitive rating of the steminist laptop stickers of the Barnard Year of Science.

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Bwog Science brings you the second installment of Science Research Spotlight, a series in which we highlight some of the cool, radical, mind-blowing science research happening at our institution. We hope that you’ll find something that sparks your interest, and which you’ll aim to learn more about. Click here for the first installment in this series.

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Melanie Sawyer, SEAS ’20, a proud programmer and leader of ADI, a Columbia community of students interested in technology! Major: Computer Science What subjects are you interested in: I love so many different spheres […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Min Hwang, SEAS ’19, who aims to combine her interests in civil engineering and computer science! Major: Civil Engineering What subjects are you interested in: Structural engineering, computer science, and the intersections of […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Shruti Varadarajan, BC ’19, who does research in neuroscience! Major: Cell & Molecular Biology What subjects are you interested in? I’m a cell & molecular biology major, but I work in a neuroscience lab […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Briley Lewis (CC ’18), astrophysics major and Pluto enthusiast! Major: Astrophysics What subjects are you interested in? Exoplanets and planetary science How did you get interested in your subject? Can you remember the moment […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Francesca (Frankie) Garofalo (CC ’18), whose interests lie in academic medicine and the evolutionary biology of the human species! Major: Biology with a concentration in the evolutionary biology of the human species (EBHS) What subjects […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Minna Jayaswal (Barnard ’19), whose interests lie in neuroscience and community-based healthcare, among others! Major: Neuroscience & Behavior, with a minor in History. What subjects are you interested in? I could honestly have a […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Leena Chen (Barnard ’20), who loves numbers and stars! Major: Mathematics What subjects are you interested in? Besides mathematics, I’m minoring in Ancient Studies as well! I’m interested in just about everything, from […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Julia Zeh (CC ’18), future star marine biologist! Major: Environmental Biology What subjects are you interested in? Marine biology, bioacoustics, behavioral ecology, and conservation. I’m really interested in how we can use acoustics […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Today’s profile is from Amita Shukla (SEAS ’20), whose interests lie in computer science and public policy! What subjects are you interested in? I’m majoring in Computer Engineering and minoring in Political Science. I’m interested in just about everything though! […]

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Bwog Science is back with CU Women in STEM, where we highlight the amazing women in science at Columbia. Our latest profile is from Hailey Winstead (CC ’18), whose interests lie in psychology, specifically behavioral epigenetics! Major: Psychology/Pre-med What subjects are you interested in? Psychobiology and Behavioral Epigenetics: basically how the environment can impact our genes, and how our genes […]

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Bwog Science is bringing you a brand new column, CU Women in STEM! In this feature, we’ll be highlighting the amazing women in science at Columbia. Our first profile is from Anna Coerver (BC ’20), who is as bright and exciting as the stars she studies!  Major: Physics What subjects are you interested in? I honestly […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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