Indie rock… and the election! TC… and the Peace Corps! Manhattanville… and the Super Bowl! (And the phrase “iron curtain of safety!”) Judy Shapiro… and a vaguely mean knitting joke!
Bwog arrived at City Hall for the second time as the last members of the full group were making their floor speeches and the votes were being tallied. Lacking a press pass and Zach’s good timing, your correspondent hiked upstairs to the balcony to find everyone in the administration who has anything to do with […]
Zach van Schouwen reports on all the hooplah down at City Hall, as the Land Use Committee voted on Columbia’s Manhattanville plan. At City Hall, the room is only about half-full for the first 20 minutes of the committee votes on the proposed expansion into Manhattanville. It could be because the temperature in the Council […]
Remember Manhattanville? The Renzo Piano campus Columbia is planning to drop onto a 17 acre swath of West Harlem? Well, the City Council vote, the final step in the relay race that is the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure, (which will only decide the fate of the entire project) is rumored to be later today. […]
Gothamist reports that Cotton Club will stay open! It’ll be an alternative to 1020/The Heights/O’Connells whenever the scanners come into play. Or you can go tonight to relieve some finals and papers stress.
Speaking of swankfests, Bwog’s eyes widened at the shindig Columbia is putting on for its employees in Roone Arledge right about now. It’s invite only, so we can’t tell you what’s inside except to say that it involves bright neon lights and bouncy Christmas music. If you manage to beg, barter, or sneak your way […]
If you’ve got a question about Manhattanville, and you’re looking for an answer that won’t make Columbia look great, talk to Andrew Lyubarsky. The CC junior led the talks with Executive Vice President Maxine Griffith over six “points of compromise” on expansion that, in a Spec op-ed, he characterized as “completely unproductive.” Bwog sat down […]
Now that the academic demands are taken care of, the hunger strikers are still going hungry for the Manhattanville expansion. But in an e-mail to the Community Board 9 listserv, CB 9 chairman Jordi Reyes-Montblanc told them to knock it off: “I again beseech you to stop your hunger strike as it pertains to the […]
A group of anti-Manhattanville expansion-ists and pro-hunger strike-ists are on Low steps right now, giving brief speeches, wielding signs, and listing things that are “not for sale” (“our homes,” “our businesses,” and especially “our love”)–along the lines of every Manhattanville protest in recent memory. They’re about to head over to PrezBo’s house, after which […]
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer announced his recommendations today for what should happen to that patch of land up north: basically Columbia’s plan, but with a little bit of Community Board 9‘s plan mashed in, plus a goody bag of benefits that so und nice in a bullet pointed list. Bwog’s favorites: $20 million for […]
Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, one of the many Deciders in this whole Manhattanville shebang (after having heard from the masses) will “announce an agreement between the University and the Borough President to balance community concerns with the goals of Columbia’s proposed expansion” tomorrow at 1:00 PM. Could be game over for team CB9/SCEG/CPC. Stay […]
After yesterday’s speech-tacular, a little silent activism on something just up the street was almost refreshing. Spotted on Kent at about 12:30 PM. (It says “Columbia Renewal is West Harlem Removal.” Which is almost a pun.) (Hamilton was also festooned with one that read “Expand With Respect.”) Viva la bedsheet revolucion!
In which Bwog freelancer Joseph Meyers journeys uptown for a free-for-all public hearing on Manhattanville. Next Wednesday, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer will decide whether or not to rubber stamp Columbia’s proposed expansion plan in Manhattanville. It’s only an advisory decision—but that didn’t stop hundreds of impassioned Manhattanville residents from descending on City College’s Aaron […]
Remember when to gather signatures for a petition you had to stand around with a clipboard accosting strangers on the street? Web-based petitions have done away with all the discomfort, and now rallying support for a cause is as easy as setting up a letter on one of the several petition sites and watching the […]
It seems that the Department of Student Affairs in conjunction with NSOP is holding UNDER1Roof sessions throughout the week. The purpose of these sessions is to: “[Start] the important process of translating [The Community Principles Initiative] into action.” Oh? “This session will provide the framework on how intergroup understanding and community building are achieved through […]
In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025In Defense Of: John Jay Dining Hall
March 8, 2025Pro-Palestine Student Demonstrators Hold Sit-In In Barnard’s Milstein Center, Nine Individuals Arrested
March 6, 2025“I’m The President Of Barnard”: Barnard President Laura Rosenbury Authors Op-Ed Addressing Student Protests
March 6, 2025