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Posts Tagged with "nsop 2007"
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Concert on the Sea

If you hurry you can catch Battles playing at the South Street Seaport. First-years: might be a nice alternative to open mic night in Lerner.  

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Classic Bwog

One of our favorites from Orientation 2006. It’s your first day at Columbia. Mom and Dad just drove back to New Jersey, and you are ready to celebrate your newfound freedom. But wait. Shit! You’ve heard that Columbia is an awful party school. They say the only fun thing to do here is cocaine, but […]

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NSOP did away with the cannabis reference as they resurrected the BlaZe — last year’s experimental cross-campus relay event —  for the 2011 set. Bwoggers Sara Vogel and Ellen Kessel were embedded with the troops on the new, PC-polished “Take One: Ultimate Team Challenge” and filed this report: Surrounded by Orientation Leaders baiting their charges […]

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If orientation is just a little too lame for you, check out these cultural events happening around the city. How would you like to remember your first week of Columbia? Pie eating or museums and films? Bwog staffer Lucy Tang shows you how.  Saturday, September 1 3 pm – P.S. 1 Warm Up   Twisted […]

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This afternoon, an enterprising Bwog reporter attempted to observe a session of Under1Roof, the program designed to teach freshmen how to “create an inclusive community” at Columbia.    Upon asking the program director (an assistant dean from the Office of Multicultural Affairs) if it was alright to sit in on a session, our correspondent was […]

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From an email sent to members of the sophomore class from one Cynthia Jennings: “Hello — this is a reminder that for tonight’s Ellis Island event that you must wear your NSOP badge and bring your CUID. If you do not have these, you will be turned away at the security checkpoint before getting onto […]

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Also, why are there police surrounding International Wine and Liquors? If first-years can’t buy alcohol safely, they might just actually end up at NSOP events… Touche for now, NSOP.  

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Bwog overheard some OLs on the uptown 1 headed back from the Met excursion and decided to inquire about NSOP’s first big event. Bwog: Were you guys just at the Met? Girl OL: Yeah! We left early. Boy: I’m not even an OL! Or a freshman! Girl: He’s just my friend! Bwog: So was it […]

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A multi-part presentation of the laws of finding and receiving free food. Given by God himself to Bwogger Christopher Morris-Lent. Today, commandments 1-3. 1. THOU SHALT WANDER CAMPUS AIMLESSLY  In those first few awkward weeks at college after you’ve severed the umbilicus connecting yourself to your parents but you have yet to carve a niche […]

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In which ex-freshman Parker Fishel imparts his first-year dorm wisdom. Carman There is a magnetism about Carman that tends to polarize its residents. There are some that are fiercely loyal to the residence hall, almost to the point of confrontational. They will hear nothing of the overflowing trash bins and it’s resulting stench, nor the […]

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Good Girls Gone Bad

After Barnard’s Convocation, the OLs and RAs of BC led the 11s in a sing-a-long tribute to the musical stylings of Rihanna: “When the sun shines we’ll shine together We will love Barnard forever Columbia will always be our friend Our partnership will go on till the end 2011 is better than ever All the […]

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In hopes of catching you before you make that final trip to Bed, Bath and Beyond (or before you trash the packaging and receipts), Bwog asks upperclassmen which items were the most useless? The most underused? That Dust-Buster you’re going to use during downtime? The ironing board that totally fits between your bed and your […]

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It seems that the Department of Student Affairs in conjunction with NSOP is holding UNDER1Roof sessions throughout the week. The purpose of these sessions is to: “[Start] the important process of translating [The Community Principles Initiative] into action.” Oh? “This session will provide the framework on how intergroup understanding and community building are achieved through […]

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After the umpteenth hour of lawn manicuring and tent set-up, 2:30 today saw the culmination of parent-related move-in events, Convocation. There were flags, smiles, “Pomp and Circumstance”-lite music piped-in over the loudspeaker, and quasi-poignant speeches from admins all around. Flubs: Colombo called assembled matriculants “students and daughters,” Quigley was interrupted by a crash from the […]

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Bwog’s resident concert expert Justin Goncalves answers all your questions about the best venues, where to go when you’ve had it up to here with indie rock, and that elusive Brooklynite Todd P. Do you like music? I like music. Do you know what the best thing about living in New York while someone else […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
June 1, 2024
Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
Palestinian Students Launch “Revolt For Rafah” Encampment Amidst 2024 Columbia Reunion
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
Gavin McInnes, Founder Of The Proud Boys, Seen On Columbia’s Campus On Wednesday
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
Senior Wisdom: Paulina
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