In today’s (admittedly bad-ass) Spec “University Space” supplement, an article on the lack of student group space pointed out:

[T]he Science Fiction Society, for example, keeps its library of 20,000 novels in the Student Government Office on the fifth floor of Lerner.

To recap: Ad Hoc, The Columbia Current, The Columbia Political Review, The Columbia Review, Tablet, The Columbia Citadel (that’s the conservative magazine), The Birch, Helvidius, and The Blue and White do not have a computer to their name, much less a cubicle or an office. There’s no space, apparently. Maybe that’s because we need to maintain our library of 20,000 science fiction novels.

The article also notes that, other than the Spectator, “the only two groups with a physical office are the Fed and the yearbook.”

First, insert a cheap joke about the Fed. Then, raise your hand if you knew about — or know anyone who bought — the yearbook.

Plus, their offices in Lerner are pretty swanky.

(Writer gnashes teeth, ends rant, braces for vulgar taunting in next issue of the Fed.)

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.