kkkBwog loves the CPU, but it seems like The Columns has gotten desperate recently: having barely posted all month, they’re now reprinting the somewhat disgraced Matt Sanchez’ columns from www.rightwingnews.com. A choice tidbit from the latest post, about how liberals point out the hypocrisy of Larry Craig’s bathroom habits and his rock-bottom record on gay rights:

“Public sex is supposed to be “hot,” and I have some knowledge of this having co-starred in the high-end fantasy film Tiajuana Toilet Tramps. In reality, for gays, a subset that defines itself by bodily function, it is no secret that the way to a homosexual’s heart is somewhere beneath the stomach. These are people who can’t separate who they ‘are’ from what they ‘do.'”

Because straight people don’t obey the place beneath their stomachs. At all.