By now, reader, you have probably become accustomed to Bwog hosting contests, what with the photography and photoshop contests, as well as the current “become an editor” contest. Well, the next contest is our Halloween Contest, where you must dress up in costume, photograph yourself, and send it to us before midnight of All Hallow’s Eve, in order to win a prize: perhaps fame? Perhaps something concrete? (Check for updates).

And now a brief educational interlude: Which previous phrase in italics could be a translation of some form of the Spanish verb “acostumbrarse“? The word has “costum” in it, but it’s a trap! A “falso cognato,” as they say, a phrase ironically composed of two “truo cognatos”! To everyone else taking Spanish midterms tomorrow, good luck!

Halloween is next Wednesday, so you have a little over a week to go incognito. Send in your submissions to  If you’re not participating, know this: it is customary to wear a costume on Halloween even if you don’t enter an online contest.