Today — as you are all no doubt incredibly aware — is the last edition of your T/TH classes. This means all your T/TH professors will be saying hilarious, touching, inspiring and bizarre things to wrap up the semester.

As per our tradition, we want to know what your professors say as closing remarks! So, email transcriptions to or just use the comment thread. 

Paul Kockelman, Intro to Language and Culture: “That’s what she said.”

Severin Fowles, Origins of Human Society: “Wait for the coming revolution, in whatever form it may take.”

Haroon Moghul, Intermediate Urdu:

“So over the break I want you guys to write a one page essay about yourselves. Use the vocabulary I’ve given you.” (the vocabulary has all come from medieval poetry)

Confused student: “So you want us to talk about frogs, parrots and magic?”

HM: “Listen I don’t care if you’re stoned when you write this, I love absurd stuff. But wait…don’t do drugs.”.