Name, School: Tina Musa, CC

Claim to fame: Being a Peer Counselor/Advocate at the Rape Crisis/Anti-Violence Support Center (Consent is sexy!). Living in the IRC. Being a part of Filasteen, SPEaK and the Ethnic Studies Suite while they were around.

Post-grad plans: Going to medical school, liberating Palestine, and traveling to New Zealand to find the Shire.

Favorite study spot? My bed! Also my favorite sleeping spot coincidentally…

What are three things you learned at Columbia?

1) Everything is a social construction. Even icecream.

2) The best dumpstering spots are outside of Milano and Absolute Bagels.

3) Butler Library has comic books. Look up “The Boondocks” on CLIO…

Justify your existence in 30 words or less. I can cook pretty well – I’d say that covers it.

What was your favorite controversy in your time at Columbia?

When Matthew Fox was chosen to speak at class day. I still contend that there are better and hotter actors on Lost (Naveen Andrews) who could have made it out to New York City…

Any battle wounds/war stories from the War on Fun? Losing Casbah Rouge to Chipotle. And then hating myself for enjoying their burritos…

Would you rather permanently give up oral sex or cheese? Like that will ever happen.

What do you wish you could tell the Class of 2013 before they come here?

Don’t start a David Project – that’s just pretentious. Leave campus and enjoy New York City. Don’t go dancing in 4 inch heels. Actually, go dancing in 4 inch heels and get a massage afterwards – from whomever you bring home with you…

Regrets? Well I’m not done yet – ask me in a few weeks.