The Study Day-Standoff: Last night’s CCSC meeting saw unanimous passage of a proposal to start the academic year a week earlier when Labor Day falls on September 5th or later. The passage was the first step by the councils towards forming a united undergraduate front in advance of Friday’s University Senate Plenary, in the face of what council members called “intractable” opposition from the Senate Education Committee. The proposal next goes to the other three undergraduate councils, where it’s expected to be passed, before debate begins on the proposal in the Senate on Friday. Senate sources told Bwog not to expect a vote on Friday however.

The New Meal Plan: As part of his visit to CCSC, VP for Student and Administrative Services Scott Wright announced a new meal plan for next year. The important points:

  • First-year meals will be by week rather than by term (either 19 or 15 per week)
  • JJ’s and Ferris will join John Jay as all-you-can-eat for the price of one meal, with the latter being open from 7:30 am – 8:00 pm six days of the week
  • The number of meals will go up, but Dining Dollars will decline significantly, to no more than $200 per semester
  • In total, students will be limited to four meals per day – “and after that,” Wright said, “we’ll send you to a vending machine.”

Part of the reason for the change is that business at on-campus eateries like Ferris and JJ’s has suffered as off-campus Flex spending has topped $2 million this year. The full plan is available at Dining’s website.

Odds and Ends: Wright also noted that the adminstration is doing its best to hold down tech costs for student groups in the face of rising A/V fees; he suggested possibly building a list of equipment students could be trained to use instead of having to hire labor…The council voted to look at developing Schapiro’s lounge for future student group space…The first Core Curriculum conversation will be on April 9th, and will look at the Global Core…PrezBo will hold a special booksigning for undergrads on April 20th.