If you live on campus, you probably received an email from Housing last week announcing that you’re required to fill out a U.S. Census form next week. The email also included a note that “Columbia University is the only location in which you are to participate in the Census.” This puzzled a tipster, who was concerned that since he was legally a dependent of his parents, he should be counted as a member of their household.

Well, according to the 2010 Census Questionnaire Reference Book, you should NOT include on your household Census form “college students if they do NOT live and sleep most of the time at the parental home—even if they return to the parental home while on break or vacation,” and college students should include on their forms “people living away from their parental home while attending college—either on-campus or off-campus—if the [sic] live and sleep most of the time at the on-campus or off-campus housing.” It also notes that foreign students attending college in the U.S. should also fill out the census.  So there you have it. We can all look forward to answering riveting questions like “What is Person 1’s sex?” next week.