Bwog spent thirteen hours at Orientation yesterday. Here’s some of what we found. (Hey Housing! We love you very much, wanna let us move in early?)
- CUMB before Class Act
- All the Convocation flags invariably ended up on a table in Ferris Booth
- Sweaty palms!
- JJ14- not a nice men’s bathroom
- JJ14- flooded by 4 PM
- JJ8- always the classiest floor.
- This woman let you into Columbia, thank her
- “Barnard deleted all my classes.” Excuse me?
- Your unsung NSOP heroes: throwing away mountains of trash
- New friends!
- You could only see the balloons if you were standing behind them
@Anonymous Yeah, disgusting bathroom is jj14
@aw man why’d i have to graduate?
@Anonymous The same couches and flowers that were used in the Manhattan Project!
@they all look... so young.
@Anonymous Who are those fabulous bitches on the 2nd picture!? HAWT.
@We require More vespene gas
@JJ 14 And so is the trash.
@JJ 14 That puddle at 4 PM isn’t JJ 13.
It’s our floor.
And that shit was cleaned this morning and came back to life.
@CC'14 Are there bathrooms in the academic buildings, or do I need to hold it in until I get back to Carman?
Also, how much am I supposed to tip at John Jay?
@Anonymous There are no bathrooms anywhere on campus. Sorry. The closest bathroom is the one in the Starbucks. Not that one, the other one. No, that one.
@Anonymous bahahha.
there are bathrooms in every building.
@Anonymous don’t tip.
@no, Just the tip.
@Anonymous tip who exactly?
@Anonymous No tip! And there are bathrooms everywhere. In Pupin and Schermerhorn they have couches and flowers. Luxurious!
@Y Chromosome Hey, I want a couch! And flowers!
@former JJ8er wasn’t always the classiest, but damn i miss that floor
@Anonymous fuck yeah, jj8
@Not enough minerals I need some info, SEAS or CC, what majors do you want, what do you want to do after school
@Advising Dean Uh, I think you should read the bulletin..because I have no idea.
@Carolyn Advisors get a bad rap, but some of them are helpful. Forrealz. I never actually met my advisor until this summer, and she’s fantastic. I wish I’d gone to see her earlier.
My favorite teacher from high school also gave me some good advice. (She knew Political Science would have too much jargon for my taste. It’s the SCIENCE of politics).
Anyways, for every meh advisor, professor, person etc., there are five fantastic ones.
@Anonymous what classes should I take, bwog?
@JJ 14 Those flood and trash pics are 14th floor, actually.
The mess is gone! Hallelujah!