@OMG This should go the on the Columbia emblem! This pretty much sums up my Columbia experience. Forget classes…its the move-in/out memories that will be remembered.
@This is why I’m moving in Monday, they are more relaxed about the 1 hour rule, and my parents love to bring my 3 siblings and extended family, so it will take more then an hour…god I hope there is no puke on the floor.
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@audry this is awesome!
@The Bin Is A Lie They gave me busted cardboard boxes riding on top of, and unattached to, dollies last year, moving in and out.
@Aperture Science Holy shit. Suddenly my Columbia experience makes sense.
Columbia: it’s a lot like Portal.
@GLaDOS Where do you think I find my test subjects?
@false Portal is fun for hours on end until you beat the game, so no not really
@You know we should make a gateway group find a way to make a better grip surface, just so they can suffer
@OMG This should go the on the Columbia emblem! This pretty much sums up my Columbia experience. Forget classes…its the move-in/out memories that will be remembered.
@This is why I’m moving in Monday, they are more relaxed about the 1 hour rule, and my parents love to bring my 3 siblings and extended family, so it will take more then an hour…god I hope there is no puke on the floor.
@!!! Perfection.
@This is amazingly accurate.