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@Anonymous best bwog post ever.
@Omg Ben Bailey is so hot
@Anonymous I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS! Every time I hail a cab, in the back of my mind, I always hope it’ll be the Cash Cab. Why, Cash Cab, why not me???
@Harmony Hunter this is my least favorite article ever in the columbia dilly spectator. because let’s just say haremny hall really actually became transporent. then i would not be abel to see it.
@Old Fart Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!
@!!! I love the Cash Cab’s icon status. And the fact that it’s not an elaborate myth!
The big question – WHY IS THERE NO PASSENGER INSIDE?!!?!
@2011 cuz it was dropping someone off, duhh
@FML OMGG My lifelong dream has been to be on cashcab
@Anonymous Whoa. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them above 96th on the show, though I admit I haven’t watched it regularly in years.
@hot barnardian I saw an episode where the people were dropped off at Amsterdam and 116th. I could see HamDel. Our dreams can still come true!
@umm how do we know the guy wasnt just seeing things or making this up? cmon bwog.
@Anonymous fuck you
@Doubters gonna doubt.
@Anonymous The medallion number is 7N78. Therefore, it’s the cash cab.
@Anonymous it at least used to be 1G12 I think… definitely not 7N78. I guess they changed it.
@It DOES exist!
@GAHHHH all my years of keeping my eyes trained on the license plates of the SUV cabs that go by and i missed it!
@I can't believe I missed teh cash cab… :-(
@i dont get it who is taking a cab to deluxe??
@Anonymous yuppies
@omg that’s awesome
@I definitely now need a change of underwear. Thank you Bwog.