Just cause Valentine’s Day has passed doesn’t mean the lovin’ will stop. We’re running yet another batch of bachelors and bachelorettes! This time we give you Andrea Santana, BC ’13 and Isabella Serrani, BC ’13. Interested? Tell us at editors@bwog.com, and we’ll send you two lovebirds off with $10 for a date.

Name, Year, School, Major: Andrea Santana, 2013, BC, History Major and Spanish Minor

Preference: Lady for Gentleman

Hometown: Claremont, CA

Your dream date in seven words or less: Afternoon at the Griffith Observatory

What redeems you as a human being? Sometimes I clear-out the stacks of dishes left by the conveyor belt at Hewitt–always making sure to dispose of the inedible items, food waste, and utensils in their appropriate bins!

Choice aphrodisiac: Brownies

Most romantic spot in Morningside: Low steps at night

Sexiest animal (interpret as you will): Peacock

Historical Hottie: Sir Isaac Newton

Name, Year, School, Major: Isabella Serrani, 2013, BC, Art History/English

Preference: Woman seeking Man

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Your dream date in seven words or less: When he pays…

What redeems you as a human being? My sharp wit and sparkling personality?

Choice aphrodisiac: Spaghetti

Most romantic spot in Morningside: Grant’s Tomb. Nothing sexier than dead people and ominous trees.

Sexiest animal (interpret as you will): A Fox as in “She’s a fox. In French she would be called “la renarde” and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.”

Historical Hottie: Vincent Van Gogh