The following [insert noun here] was spotted recently on Watt 6. Balloon? Tim Burton’s platonic ideal of a child? A friendly face? Casper off of the Atkins wagon? Seriously—your guess is as good as ours. (Caveat: ours aren’t really that good…)
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@Anonymous mmmmmmm, Watt you saaaaay
@Boo Ghosts… …don’t… …DIE! Heh, heh, heh! Can you get out of here… …alive?
@Anonymous MARIO 64 REFERENCE?! Well-played, good sir.
@Anonymous That’s not an O face! That’s when you find out that your date is from SEAS :D. The face of surprised disappointment.
@non-SEAS '14 :O –> my expression of surprise if I hadn’t seen some SEAS, GS, or BC hate as a response to a Bwog post
SEAS can show-up my literature-loving ass in math class any day
@hey don’t bring Barnard into this
@LCD Soundsystem balloon?
@Concert Goer Yes indeed.
@Anonymous Most bittersweet experience ever? No doubt.
@Be Seeing You... The Prisoner, clearly
@This is definitely Rover.
@Alexander Hamilton lame