While most of you have BS’d your way through your last final by now, we know there’s a small, yet valiant group of Columbians who still have an test or two standing in the way of their post-finals freedom. Though nothing is quite as satisfying as turning in that last exam (or as cathartic as drinking a Heights margarita directly afterward), this video really made us smile. So, to all those still trucking along, remember: you’re almost done! Everything will be okay.

We give you a cover of “Yellow” by Coldplay, courtesy of JJ 15-ers Brendan Chamberlain-Simon and Nathan Chan (of String Theory cello quartet fame):

P.S. No matter how terrible, horrible, no good, and very bad everyone’s finals may be, you’re still allowed to smile. Butler bitches may glare, but eff the haters—it’s okay to giggle every once in a while. Grumpiness is overrated, anyway.