From 8 till 10 pm tonight, CCSC will be hosting a town hall gripe-fest in Lerner’s Satow Room. The Facebook hype page for What’s Wrong, Columbia? asks you to hold your student government accountable for your happiness as a human (or something like that), and we advise that you take advantage of this opportunity to do so. While enjoying free food, obviously: Bwog has been promised pizza. So bring your problems and suggestions, and let’s get everything out on the table.


Cranach's "Cupid Complaining to Venus"—You are Cupid, CCSC is Venus

Already-lodged complaints include:

  • “Why are there more benches at the gym than bench bars??”
  • “Schapiro, why do you have no hot water? and why are your showerheads biased against people taller than 5’8″?”
  • “Why is all the food at Ferris put away by 7:20 when they close at 8?”

Ahh, life’s eternal questions!

German Renaissance masterwork via Wikimedia