It looks like Columbia will no longer be exclusively serving Deantinis—at least until April 15. PrezBo sent out an e-mail about an hour ago announcing the formation of a committee to select the next Dean of Columbia College. As Deantini is currently the Interim Dean, he will almost definitely be in the running. PrezBo has “limit[ed] the search to internal candidates” (which might be an indicator that Deantini will in fact continue to roar), and nominations are welcome at The committee, listed below, will consist of administrators, alumni, professors (including Christina Christia Mercer), and two CC juniors. They will submit their recommendations to Provost John Coatsworth, Executive Vice President Nick Dirks, and PrezBo, who will then make the final decision.

Dear Fellow Members of the Columbia Community:

I am writing to announce the formation of a search committee to help in identifying the next dean of Columbia College.  I have asked the committee to limit the search to internal candidates.  We welcome all nominations.  Please submit letters to no later than April 15th.  Following the usual practice, the search committee will conduct interviews of a select number of candidates and then submit their recommendations to me, hopefully in time to complete the process by the close of the academic year.  I will then work closely with Provost John Coatsworth and Executive Vice President Nick Dirks to select the best qualified of these candidates to serve as dean of the College.

The members of the committee include (I am awaiting confirmation of two additional faculty members): Bob O’Meally, Cathy Popkin, Tom DiPrete, Ruth DeFries, Stuart Firestein, Christia Mercer, Kyra Barry (CC87), Yale Fergang (CC87 EN88), J.T. Ramseur (CC13), and Mary Kircher (CC13).  I am grateful to each of them for agreeing to take on this assignment.


Lee C. Bollinger