What appeared to be an innocuous CCSC missive from Student Body President Aki Terasaki turned out to contain a bombshell.”It is with mixed emotions,” he writes, “that I formally announce my resignation as CCSC President, effective immediately.” While the message did not contain an explicit reason for the surprise move, he mentions the “difficult experience,” of “reading what other people write about you.” Full text below:
Subject: [ALMA MATTERS ♔] KL 3.6.2015
Attention, my dear Columbia College.
“President” is never an easy title to live up to.
Reading what other people write about you (and sometimes to you) can be an incredibly difficult experience, and there have been points where I have almost become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of words. Initially, a letter is just a letter, but after several hundred, I have finally come to realize what really matters. Leadership is about recognizing the best step for the greater good, and so it is with mixed emotions that I formally announce my resignation as CCSC President, effective immediately.
First off, I would like to thank my incredible fellow council members, who have accomplished so much this year (see the attached document) and have supported me from the very start. Of course, I want to thank all of you for being a fantastic—albeit captive—audience; my foremost memories are of my interactions with the wonderful students that make up Columbia. On the job and off the job, you have all shown me the importance of standing up for yourself and finding new beginnings.
Little word of advice: most of the time, life is a blur, but on occasion a piece stands out in front of the others—chase that one and follow it to the end.
Signing off,
Aki Terasaki
Student Body President
Columbia College ♔
Update: Aki just sent an email to Bwog admitting it was just an April Fools prank. And as one commenter suspected, the subject line was an inside joke. Explanatory e-mail after the jump.
Subject: Happy April First!
Hi everyone,
So, as I hope you’ve all gathered by now, the email I sent last night was in fact an April Fool’s joke–albeit one that I realize may not have been in the best of tastes. I do strongly believe that this campus could use a bit more humor, and I only meant to bring some levity to the day. However, I also see how my stumbling attempts to lighten the mood may have resulted in more concern than I anticipated, and for that, I apologize.
I want to take this opportunity, though, to bring to the forefront the destructive effects of people’s anonymous comments. While I may not be resigning due to what’s been said about me, there have been countless individuals who have been victimized by online harassment to a much worse extent and usually with worse outcomes. Trolls will be trolls, but before you post that snarky comment, take a second to reflect on how you would want people to treat you in that situation. We should be creating a group that seeks to support itself and its members, taking accountability for our own actions as friends and fellow students. Hopeless romantic that I am, I believe that Columbia can become that community one day, and I am proud that there are students already working toward this goal. On that note, it’s Random Acts of Kindness Week, so go out of your way for someone. I promise it’ll make a world of difference.
To the people who reached out to me, please accept my sincerest apologies and thank you for being students who care. To the general population, remember that no one likes a troll, but always keep your sense of humor. And to the haters, well, better luck next time.
From the fool himself,
AkiPS: For any student of Lit Hum…King Lear, Act III, Scene 6, Line 2015.
@Anonymous Somebody likes the bubble tea in Cafe East?
@Anonymous this wasn’t funny in the least. does aki even know what april fool’s is???
if he doesn’t, he should really resign.
@Twitch On a campus that takes itself too seriously as its student body drowns under the weight of an insane workload, a hostile administration, self-imposed “too cool for school” high-school-intellectualism and the pressure of being bottled up on a tiny campus with neither the ability to throw house parties nor the possibility of ever going downtown, having someone in a public position recognize the need for fun is huge.
Aki is a hero. A modern day Bartleby the Scrivener. A Don Quixote. This makes
@Anonymous he should’ve waited 3 minutes until it was midnight! he sent it on march 31st!
@Anonymous Uhhhh on a matter of technicality, since I received this email at 11:57pm on March 31st, in my mind this is a totally valid letter of resignation. People who make April Fool’s jokes on days other than April 1st should be forced to carry out their joke as punishment for a trolling violation. Therefore, I no longer recognize Aki as my president and all of his future emails will be directed straight to my spam to join the mixture of penis enlargement emails and Roar-ee the Lion emails promising me a keychain and a bottle of water to go watch women’s fencing.
@Anonymous I think Michael J. Fox has better things to do than hold the camera for CCSC vids.
@Anonymous http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIin6RFgJn0&feature=relmfu
@Please BWOG! I’m not one to harp on BWOG stuff, but I think you have some more work to do in fixing the negative comment issue. This is pretty awful stuff.
@Anonymous Why does no one think this was funny? Come on, he got Bwog!
@Ka GO fuck yourself – Aki – the retard!
@... i read this as:
@KR Aki has been a wonderful leader on campus. I don’t know any CCSC member who would say (let alone comment) otherwise. If you need a reminder of all he has helped accomplish this year as president, just take a look at his email attachment.
@Which is weird, because I’m a reasonably intelligent senior, and I can’t think of a single fucking thing.
– CC ’12
@Anonymous Btdubbs, here’s the translation.
@This is just really bizarre.
@Is there any significance... to “KL 3.6.2015” in the subject line?
@Anonymous King Lear, Act III, Scene 6, Line 2015.
@disgruntled student Sick jokes like this make me farty. Mr. Terasaki has consistently disrespected me and my email inbox.
@Anonymous Last year I was interning at a big company and their HR department sent out an April fools email something like, “from now on we’re going to be using the QR-109 forms for time-tracking. Don’t submit the old 1L’s.” Then the next day we got an email saying that the previous email was a joke, and then had a two-hour meeting to reexplain the time sheet policy.
I hate April fool’s day.
@Anonymous take a look at the tags, duhh
@actually the April Fools’ tag was not up originally. Hence, all the confusion.
@Irony Although I agree that this is a rather strange joke, I feel like Aki is also trying to express his actual frustration with us making fun of him all the time while masking it in the guise of April Fool’s. He’s an easy target because he writes such lighthearted and whimsical emails that are sometimes annoying at four in the morning while trying to finish off a paper (just like everything is annoying at such times). It would be really ironic, therefore, if we took this opportunity to bash him even more. Also, I want you to know, Aki, that the silent majority appreciates your enthusiasm and optimism.
@Anonymous Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good.
@Anonymous Unfortunately, while the loud majority may appreciate his optimism, we don’t appreciate his useless resume-padding tenure. The only reason I’m glad this is a pranks is cuz the only person on ccsc more useless than aki would have been president had aki really resigned.
@lol Ryan Cho!
@CHO FOR SENATE! http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/039/080/5008_9c00_420.gif
@A disappointed fool Taking the position as CCSC President is one that requires so much from a person and more so than not is a very trying in every aspect of campus living and life. If this is a joke or not I will be disappointed to no end. It makes me think of what lies ahead.
I am familiar with members of both running parties in this year’s elections and they are both under-equipped for what is in store for them next year. Will Hughes, Lauren Barriere, Peyton Bell, Jean Pierre, Yanyi Luo, Janice Yoon are being supported by friends but are not being told the truth about the commitment to CCSC that they must make. You must have a passion for Columbia like no other and be experienced, have the skill set necessary, and patience to move our campus forward as representatives of our school. You are not ready.
Alex and Karishma, your decisions are disappointing. I have never gotten the impression that you two are opportunists but the way you have built your parties confirm my doubts. I am sad and heartbroken. Karishma, you were so sweet and passion driven and now your name is tainted to me forever. Alex, you have become a hypocrite to me. You always preached about the injustices of politics and you dove right in with the least prepared party since Isaac Lara. You might have been able to convince your party that they have what it takes and maybe in time they might, but you have thrown them into a place where they face many disappointments from their own hand.
@Anonymous Wtf bro.
@anon The crows nest down in bwog. A carnage of libel and slander they await. Caught unaware, they’ll gouge out your eyes.
@anon Has he really been ineffective? How so?
@Anonymous Block Party!
@Anonymous Mate, it’s Saturday night, and it looks like you need to get laid. so do us all a favor and go do something more useful than write hateful comments on Bwog at 1 am.
@Anonymous these aren’t hateful comments. this guy’s just saying it how it is and I couldnt agree with him/her more.
@Anonymous Làm ơn đi mày, không dám đâu.
@Anonymous Btdubbs, here’s the translation.
@Anonymous Well since you’re disappointed with the candidates why don’t you run for president smartass.
@Anonymous This is so odd. Talk about non-sequitur.
Aki makes a slightly questionable email —> Everyone connected to the current race is under-qualified and ‘tainted’. What does that even mean?
Clearly, the head CCSC position is a difficult one, but nothing from either party has indicated that the candidates are anything but sincere and devoted to the position. That you think it fair to just throw stones from the sidelines, while giving essentially zero substance to your criticisms, says way more about you as a person than any of the people you listed.
I fart in your general direction.
Fetchez la vache!
@Anonymous The thing is, I am sure Karishma will singlehandedly fix any of the others’ mistakes. Alex won’t.
@Anonymous after finding out this was a joke, i almost wish it werent..
@Anonymous “Aki, previously thought to be something akin to an elf, has revealed himself to be a massive troll.”
@anon “Reading what other people write about you (and sometimes to you) can be an incredibly difficult experience”. If it’s indeed a joke, you’ll really resign after reading the comments on bwog.
@Ugh Can Bwog PLEASE stop publishing every random email it receives as fact? I would’ve appreciated some actual clarity on the situation, and you all are doing nothing to achieve that.
@Modern-Day Holmes Note: First letters of each sentence spell it out.
@Genius Thank you
@Sergio/P. Diddy “Can you feel my dick fuckin’ your mind?”
@Now THAT’S a mindfuck.
@well done mate
@Anonymous You should resign after not slapping the Bacchanal committee for their choice
@Anonymous Sounds like finishing the year was as optional as attending meetings
@one does not simply http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/17577497.jpg
@uhm this is a weird joke.
i am very glad i ignored the impulse to reach out to him to thank him for the work he’d put into leading our student body.
@Anonymous http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/17577497.jpg
@CCSC member Wtf! After this, you probably should resign. Rather have Barry Weinberg as Pres anyday. At least we would have accomplished something this year!
@KR Aki has been a wonderful leader on campus. I don’t know any CCSC member who would say (let alone comment) otherwise. If you need a reminder of all he has helped accomplish this year as president, just take a look at his email attachment.
@Anonymous If you don’t know any CCSC member who would comment otherwise, maybe you should have shown up to more meetings, Kylie
@.... Nice try Barry Weinberg
@bjw2119 Sadly, I was never elected to CCSC and thus am not a “CCSC Member.” While I appreciate the flattery, Aki’s right to point out that hateful anonymous comments on Bwog can stymie efforts to create a real community on campus. Given this weekend’s awesome CCO/Relay for Life double-header, it would do for all the trolls to get a little more sunlight and a little less LCD flicker by going out and actually having fun while building community.
@Anonymous ewwwww good riddance
@Aki Thanks for playing along Bwog!
@Anonymous I love you.
@Yo Aki, you da best!
@huh It’s kind of a boring April Fools joke…sadly too plausible.
@The date when the email was sent is March 31st.
@Anonymous april foolz.
@jeez check the date, yo
@this bitch is either trolling for April Fools or picked a really dumb time (near midnight on April 1) to decide to resign unexpectedly
@Anonymous Look at the first letter of each sentence… it spells out APRIL FOOLS
@Anonymous Man, I wish Bacchanal this year was also april fools…
@Is it me or does Aki come off as homosexual?
@anon How is that relevant? I don’t know if that’s true, but even if it were, is there a problem with that?
@Anonymous oh my god. Chill the fuck out. This campus about the safest place in the world for the LGBT community. Can we not ask honest questions about peoples’ sexuality?