Newly elected CCSC President Karishma Habbu is the newest member of PrezBo’s committee to find a new Dean of Columbia College.

Following PrezBo’s announcement of the committee last week, students Kenny Durrell, Barry Weinberg, Alex Frouman, and Aki Terasaki wrote a Spec editorial urging KevSho to add an elected student representative to the team.

“While we do not question the qualifications, ability, or dedication of J.T. Ramseur and Mary Kircher, the students on the committee, we do not feel they are sufficiently representative of our full student body. Nor do we blame them. They are graciously performing a duty to their college, and their acceptance of the position only reinforces our perception of their commitment to the school.

Instead, we find fault with Dean of Student Affairs Kevin Shollenberger for making his choice of students without due consideration to the need for proper representation. Dean Shollenberger should not have included only students from the URC. Positions on the URC are appointed by administrators rather than elected by students, and these students are accountable primarily to administrators rather than their peers.”

Apparently, KevSho listened. As per PrezBo’s original email, the committee will be accepting nominations at through April 15. According to KevSho, PrezBo would would like to make the decision by the end of the semester.