Nary a week ago, a Bwogger was sitting in a lecture hall, idly taking notes while browsing Reddit. It was the early afternoon, and most students were beginning to get restless as their 75-minute sentence approached its end. And that’s when it happened. “…which admittedly would never happen here in MoHi…” uttered the previously-respected professor.

And with that, a chill swept through the room. Several people shuddered. The Facebook chatters stopped Facebook chatting. That shifty kid watching porn in the back almost looked up, but didn’t. And your unnerved Bwogger jotted down “MoHi… REALLY!?” in his lecture notes. For nothing else that could have been said in that lecture mattered now.

In light of this incident, Bwog embarked on a super serious quest to try and determine which abbreviations that can be heard and/or seen around campus are the most intolerable. As usual, we used lots of science, which means we got together in a room and tried to talk louder than each other because that’s how we rank opinions. Here’s our list; leave your own in the comments!

  • MoHi (also MoHe), for Morningside Heights
  • MoWi, for Morton Williams
  • FroSci, for Frontiers of Science
  • The Jay, for John Jay Hall
  • Lit Hume, for, well, Lit Hum
  • ‘Net, for Koronet
  • Ham, for Hamilton Hall