The email-illiterate masses are currently rising up to destroy the clean (or green?) inboxes of much of campus. The Green Umbrella list serv is experiencing mass defection as dozens of people attempt to unsubscribe by hitting “reply all,” which only compounds the problem and the hilarity.
UPDATE: The most prolific spammer, Chloe B., has contacted us directly explaining that someone else accessed her idle computer in the library and spammed the listserv with her email. Apparently, people are sending her threats and using her email to sign up for porn. Don’t do that. That’s bad.
PEOPLE: Don’t post personal information in the comments. We have to delete it.
@Anonymous Guys, it’s just email. I can’t emphasize enough just how just email it is.
@Anonymous does no one remember this happening with CUPS last fall?
@Anonymous I wish there was a reply-all for bwog comments. Because I want to watch the world burn.
@Anonymous Anyone have a working Brazzers username and password?
@ask and you shall receive undiscoveredpwds dot com
@Anonymous porn is good
@Anonymous sign me up for porn please
@Mr Potter After all these listserv runs, you’d think people would have learned how to BCC.
@Anonymous And with that, Green Umbrella lost its entire list serv. Way to not BCC it.
@Displaced B@B user Should I make something like this
Or should I do solids HW
@The Artist Formerly known as Costanza make one
@The Scientist formerly known as Fem Fat HI :D miss yall.
@Anonymous “I’m about to call campus police on you all. This is harassment. No joke. ”
Somebody’s jimmies are rustled
@Anonymous I don’t think people are foolish enough to keep hitting reply-all. Perhaps the listserv is just misconfigured such that every incoming email gets sent to the entire listserv.
@Anonymous No. There are some people who are foolish enough to ignore all warnings and hit the reply-all. This is an empirical fact.
@Anonymous you, my friend, are naive.
@Anonymous Yeah, people are foolish enough to hit “reply all”.
But you’re right that this is a misconfigured list. In situations like these, the list owner has an “emergency moderation” option available that stops automatic sending of messages.
@if only Hey I just met you…and this is crazy. But here’s my email, subscribe me maybe?
@PARK AND BOND I helped build that website during my internship at Gilt about a year ago. thanks anonymous for subscribing
@Anonymous COLE DIAMOND!!!
@Anonymous Fausto wants to leave cans of spam outside of Furnald. I think this is a good idea
@Anonymous As long as he’s buying..
@wait i'm confused who is chloe and what did she have to do with this exactly
@yo bwog You deleted my comment that referenced Chloe from fight club
fair enough
I’ve got no hate for poor Columbia Chloe if that wasn’t clear
@CC 14 Guys, put a filter on the original email for first the “from” and then a separate for “to” and then “words containing” put in CU Green Umbrella.
It works and it blocks off all the stupid emails. Sorry CU Green Umbrella.
Also, that Chloe bitch needs to be taken down. Who’s with me????
@Anonymous And on that day CC ’14 marched into battle to fight against the evil Chloe B, behind him an indefatigable army of -24
@Anonymous I unsubscribed using the bottom link and I got the confirmation email but I still get spams. wtf???
@Anonymous It takes a while to kick into effect. Everyone please calm down. Your inbox is not going to literally explode.
@SAME! HOW DO I ESCAPE THIS? I’ve unsubscribed like 10 times but its not working. I dont want to add to the reply alls, FIX THIS!
@wait what how did this start
@Anonymous sorry. guess you’re not part of the club that everyone is trying to excape
@Anonymous You must be a freshmen, you will soon learn to always have your jimmies secured against rustling.
@Anonymous Bwog post text!!! I am not on
Thanks :)
@I don't know why she is surprised that she doesn’t have friends.
@The Dark Hand Clearly this is a ploy by the Columbia Spectator to bring the Columbia community to it’s knees. I see through your schemes spec
@Anonymous who even remembers subscribing in the first place???
@Anonymous Chloe B., you are currently the most hated person on this campus. just stop
@Anonymous “THIS IS THE ONLY WAY I TALK TO PEOPLE” Now i feel bad
@Anonymous Not her fault. Apparently one of her freshmen friends decided it was funny to prank her by using her email to spam the listerv while she was away from her laptop.
@Anonymous further proof that she has no friends
@Anonymous uncalled for. check yourself, my friend.
@Anonymous I don’t get why your getting thumbs down. From Chloe’s email:
“Hi everyone,
So sorry. I left my laptop out while I was in the library and it appears my friends had some fun while I was gone. No more emails from me! This is the last one I promise.
Sorry again,”
@Anonymous meant as a reply to “Not her fault…”
@Anonymous Damn. I see replying is another skill I must add to my resume.
@Anonymous Ah shit. It only just showed up as replies. *hides in shame*
Following on Chloe’s apology…
Hi everyone,
This is the last comment I promise.
Sorry again,
@Anonymous If I knew who her friends were, I’d be pissed at them. But since I don’t, it’s fucking annoying to get 20 emails in a row from freshmen who aren’t reading the Iliad, or whatever the fuck they’re doing.
@Anonymous omg… Freshmen… CU Green Umbrella also needs to learn how to us BCC…
@Anonymous This is actually the most annoying thing that has ever happened.
@Anonymous like, totally
@Anonymous HOW TO UNSUBSCRIBE: here:
2. scroll all the way down and enter your email address
3. The end.
@personal favorite From Idi:
“This is worse than the debt collection agency. Leave me alone! I’ve been trying to get off this mailing list since 2006. I have better things to do than delete three dozen emails from a bunch of annoying and spoiled Columbia students.”
@Another one from Idi “This is worse than being raped by my sister… At least she would stop after 10 minutes. Fuck you all for ruining my night.”
@Anonymous Lol rape joke ^
@Anonymous not me. and not funny.
@Anonymous cubmail? wut a newb, el-oh-el!