Bwog’s pumpkin carving Halloween contest is in high gear, and it appears that Columbia is home to some fine artists. The prizes for first, second, and third place for each contest are two sixers, a slice of Koronet’s pizza, and a cup of Butler Café coffee, respectively. Submissions are due tomorrow night before the clock strikes 12!
- Skinned
- Charles Rangel
- Also seen outside of a brownstone
- Brownstone pumpkin
- Procrastination pride
- Hipster pumpkin
- PrezBo
- Crowned pumpkin
@not the dark hand that charlie rangel pumpkin was carved in the spec office. as i am not the dark hand, nor do i claim to be, i make no comment on the spec itself
@Hipster pumpkin Needs a bird on it.
@anon a+ mcsweeney’s ref