Bwog was as excited as you were to get back to school after Spring Break; we wouldn’t have been able to cope with another day of not going to class. Nevertheless, spring break is a time we need to reflect on. So we went on our weekly Butler escapade to find out what the Butlerites’ favorite part of Spring Break was. Here are some of our best answers:
- Disheveled-looking guy in 209: “Reaching page 100 of my thesis.”
- Guy outside Butler café: “Sitting at Columbia doing my UWriting essay.”
- Girl outside Butler café: “Picking up nasal steroids for the cold I picked up. My nose burns like I did coke.”
- Guy in 210: “I came out to my parents.”
- Guy on the fifth floor: “I dunno, seeing all my friends take shrooms.”
- Girl: “I snuck onto the Hearst private property and found a cowboy party in the woods. They offered me a rib, but I didn’t take it because I thought it might be an initiation thing that would transform me into a cowboy. But in retrospect, I kind of wish I took it.”
- Group of Butler smokers: Burst into nervous laughter. One of the smokers offers his name, thinks for a moment, then retracts it.
- Butler smoker: “Spending 5 days with mates getting fucked up.”
- Girl in hallway: “Getting to sleep in and being woken up by little poodles.”
- 4th floor group study room boy: “no comment.” “Is that a good no comment or a bad one?” “Eh, good. Short term romance. No strings attached, that kinda thing.”
- Butler smoker: “Just being able to wake up and do whatever the fuck I want and party and go to Ultra and then wake up and do it all over again.”
When hell freezes over via Shutterstock
@congratulations and best of luck to the guy who came out to his parents. we’re proud of you<3.
@F EA Simcity… wait, never mind, server is down.
@Hey cowboy girl you have an admirer:
@best part of my spring break? realizing that butler would now be open 24 hours again
@Drinking Champagne and Calling up my Best Buds Nice. Love how you avoid the reply button. I shall do the same.
I know who you are ya don’t even have to tell me. Let me know when you decide to pay southern cal another visit. Even better, give me a holler if you actually come to class this week.
You owe me an Elvis cd, buddy.
hope you’re a better shot now.
@Anonymous BRO!?!? That you, bro??????
@Anonymous Costello or Presley?
@lol cheers mate. some of my friends were in southern ca too. LA, san diego, and tustin to be exact.
heard some females drove a top-down blasting michelle fucking branch while singing totally out of tune screaming “oh jonny’s gonna love that payback time!” a tthe top of their lungs on the free ways lmao
@lol haha
@Drinking Champagne and Calling up my Best Buds To celebrate and tell them that this very very evil woman living in socal got fucked up big time. I’m talkin huge inconvenience in her life now. Punishment ain’t fucking far from being over you fucking bitch LOL