Yes, we are referring to today as Day 1. Also we’re extending a shout-out to Transfer, Visiting, and Combined plan students, who are arriving tomorrow. You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram [thebwog] for more updates #socialmedia
Move-in for the day is officially over and appears to have gone smoothly. Reports include that there were fewer people moving into Furnald today than yesterday and that Carman’s system was surprisingly efficient, although the Green Leaders at that station ran out of efficiency light bulbs by 11:30. Lunch on Van Am Lawns included a variety of sandwiches and no one checking IDs–score. OLs cheered with each arriving car and danced along to hits such as Party In The USA, Party Rock Anthem, Born This Way, and Thrift Shop (giving Bwog horrifying flashbacks to Bacchanal).
The gossip:
- At OL training, one of the leaders instructed that OLs not use the term “frat” as it connotes state school culture.
- Also at OL training, a guy from Athletics came and told leaders to take sports seriously and not make jokes about our Athletics teams. Then he gave out free CU Football tshirts and basketball posters. Bribery: easier than winning!
- There is a $50 replacement fee for NSOP wristbands, presumably to prevent another Rhea Sen situation
- One girl arrived on a motorbike, having come all the way from Alaska. Apparently she “didn’t think through” what to do with the bike after she arrived. (psst: if you are this girl, or if you know her name, email
- A few Columbia students were assigned to move-in at Barnard, which entailed some confusion as they didn’t know the exact layout of dorm buildings.
- Yesterday someone rolled onto College Walk in a full limousine.
- There was a rager in Carman 8 last night that spilled into the hallway and ended with RAs shouting “what the fuck?!”
- The Welcoming Committee!
- Mmmm, grass stains
- Lunch time
- The classic taxi move-in
- Green swag
- Carman check-in
- Carman drop-off
- ADP wants these damn kids off their lawn.
@the guy from athletics was probably daniel spiegel, Class A tool
@same person actually, to be fair to him, more of a class B tool.
@Anonamoose Stoop kid’s afraid to leave his stoop
(re: ADP picture)