Like this, but better.

Like this, but better.

Remember this? You don’t? Okay, you don’t.

If you don’t have the time to read the article above, here’s the rundown: Bwog is asking YOU, her pseudo-New Yorker readers to answer some questions about Columbia. Bwog will make beautiful maps based off of your answers, so please take the time to answer these questions. Alma Bwogger orders you to.

The Boroughs

  1. Butler & Columbia Campus (Manhattan)
  2. Below 114th on Broadway (Brooklyn)
  3. Below 114th on Amsterdam (Queens)
  4. Barnard Campus & West of Broadway (Staten Island)
  5. EC & East of Amsterdam (Bronx)

The Questions

  1. Which has the most yuppies?
  2. Which has the most hipsters?
  3. Which has the best bars?
  4. Which has the best food?
  5. Which has the worst food?
  6. Which has the worst tourists?
  7. Which has the most attractive people?
  8. Which has the least attractive people?
  9. Which is the most overpriced?
  10. Which is the most underpriced?
  11. Which has the best parties?

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