Housing approacheth. And, unless you’re on top of it, it’s probably coming up sooner than you think. Bwog’s got you covered; we’ll be rolling out two housing reviews per day until no residence hall is left un-reviewed. Prepare to get (even more) excited: this year, we’re reviewing Barnard residence halls, too. Reviews for all! Today’s residence hall is… River!
Location: 628 West 114th Street (between Broadway and Riverside)
- Nearby dorms: Potluck, Woodbridge, Schapiro
- Stores and restaurants: Morton Williams, M2M, Starbucks
Cost: $8,168
- Bathrooms: Four coed 1-person bathrooms per floor
- AC/Heating: Heating, but not at your control. No AC at all
- Kitchen/Lounge: Two kitchens per floor, combined with the lounges which both have new TVs. Super snazzy, newly-renovated lounge in the basement.
- Laundry: Laundry room in basement. Four washers, four dryers
- Computers/Printers: Computer lab in the basement. Four computers and a printer.
- Gym: Gym in the basement. One treadmill, one elliptical, and two medieval torture machines.
- Intra-transportation: One elevator for six floors. Pretty slow, but tolerable because there are only six floors.
- Hardwood/Carpet: Hardwood in the rooms, carpet in the hallways. Tile in the lounge and bathrooms.
- Wi-Fi: Yes.
Room variety:
- Doubles: The only one in the building will be taken by the new Jazz House SIC next year.
- Singles: On floors 2-6, all rooms are singles ranging from 109-147 square feet
- Singles: Singles in River mostly go to Senior and juniors. Seniors usually nab the approximately 140-square-foot rooms; juniors, the 115-square-foot-rooms. Last year’s cutoff for small singles was 20/2197.
Bwog recommendation:
- River is a nice, quiet dorm that isn’t too close to the sometimes overwhelming energy of campus and Broadway. Proximity to Riverside park and spacious singles make River a solid housing choice. If you can’t stand the walk or not being in the center of things, Broadway singles (for juniors) and Hogan or Watt singles (for seniors) might be better to consider.
Resident opinions:
- “I would definitely recommend living in River. It’s a nice, quiet environment and a good place to get work done.”
- “River is a good place to live if you want to take a step back from campus and live in pretty quiet place.”
- “It’s quiet. Possibly even more so than Furnald.”
- “The single-occupancy showers are really nice—and it’s an actual tub/shower!”
- “Try to avoid the first floor street-facing rooms—they’re insanely noisy all morning due to traffic and general street noise. Also, first floor suites limit inhabitants to one bathroom since they do not have swipe access to the other suites on the floor.”
- “There are only a handful of RAs for the entire dorm, so they’re pretty hands-off.”
- The lobby! Equipped with Bwog’s favorite Ghanian security guard!
- Damn River, back at it again with the bay windows
- A dimly lit hallway
- Room for activities.
- Spacious!
- Single and ready to mingle
- There are four of these on each floor
- A kitchen, for cooking
- A TV, for watching Scandal
- Possibly the best lounge on campus.
@anon Be warned that these rooms receive zero light, especially on the first floor. I felt like I was living at the bottom of a deep hole.
@Anonymous When are the Barnard reviews coming out…
@Claire Friedman We’re starting the Barnard reviews tomorrow!
@Anonymous shut up, claire
@anon -Those bathrooms don’t stay clean 10 seconds after being cleaned and the floors in them are so slippery no bath mat can save you.
-Facilities often forgets you exist (probably because you are so far away) so when you have heat problems/when they inevitably stop cleaning the bathrooms leading to literal trash piles around the suite common areas expect a really slow response time. Also get a space heater from Hartley or freeze.
-My room is big which is great but the 4 people in my hall that are constantly smoking also makes it so I have to have at stockpile of air fresheners
-Walls are thinner than Hartley’s. Let that sink in for a minute as I listen to my upstairs neighbor jumprope some more and the person next to me’s bass vibrates my wall.
– When it snows, expect no one to shovel here for at least a few days (remember they forget we’re here because we’re too far away for them to hear our tears) meaning the walk home can be likened to a slippery slide of ice for your feet
-This is odd but there’s a constant flow of construction workers at a residence up the hill, meaning I have yet to go to class a single day without getting cat called, dust in my lungs, or both.
-To be fair having a gym here is nice.
@livinginriver it’s one of the worst dorms to live in during the first month of school. everyone was dying of the heat and one person illegally installed an ac. keep that in mind when picking a room. would you rather be in a small room with ac or a bigger one where you’re dying of sweat?
@Anonymous “Singles: On floors 2-6, all rooms are singles ranging from 201-220 square feet”
False. Room numbers in the map do not equal square footage.
@Anonymous 220 square feet! wow!