And zero fucks were given that day.

And zero fucks were given that day.

Barnard RAs received a dress code for their training stating “No belly, no butts, no bras.” Do you care?Maybay? (Feministing)

A student in Florida was required to wear a “shame suit” when her school skirt did not reach her knees. Do you care?! Yes. (Yahoo News).

US Stocks rose yesterday, with the S&P 500 reaching an all-time high, after news of slowing job growth. Do you care? (No) (Wall Street Journal)

101 years ago today the first plane completed the loop the loop. (Commonly misstated as the loop de loop). Do you care? Bwog cares. Bwog cares very much so. (Wikipedia)

Closeup portrait of young guy or worker or student asking what’s the problem, who cares, so what or I don’t know, isolated on white background, via ShutterStock