In a perhaps unprecedented move, PrezBo has agreed to meet with the Columbia Prison Divest protesters who stood with signs outside 501 Schermerhorn during his popular Freedom of Speech and Press class on Wednesday. He has also agreed to meet with Barnard Columbia Divest as of this morning.
October 22 was recognized as the official National Day of Protest Against Police Brutality, according to an email sent by Columbia Students Against Mass Incarceration. Columbia Prison Divest members stood in Schermerhorn outside of 501 reading statements and holding signs, in addition to the many flyers speckling the walls of the classroom, in order to attract PrezBo’s attention.
Today, Bollinger agreed to meet with Barnard Columbia Divest protesters at his Fun Run this morning, according to BCD’s Twitter. CPD’s Facebook page also shows a video of the group intercepting PrezBo on Wednesday and getting vocal confirmation that he would meet. According to the video, CPD has been trying to meet with PrezBo for 8 months, and only now has he agreed to “set it up.” Watch it below:
Video courtesy of Chris Wang, and photo via Barnard Columbia Divest
@Anonymous Bet Prezbo divests from something, if only to have a story other than the sexual assault coverage. Helps that the alternatives here are straightforward, you either own stock or you don’t.
@Anonymous 10 bucks says he won’t even remember having this meeting an hour after it’s over. Definitely not more important than his calf workouts and the filet stuffed lobster tails he eats for lunch. The Man is disgusting.
@CC 15 I think you might be projecting a bit too much onto him…
@Why disgusting? Sounds delicious to me.
@Anonymous Being you just published an article that is totally wrong!!! U think this is middle school???
@Anonymous Bwog, you realize these are two different student groups, right? Just because their names are similar, doesn’t mean that they’re the same thing. Barnard Columbia Divest, the group that protested the Fun Run today, is asking for fossil fuel divestment. Columbia Prison Divest, the group that protested PrezBo’s freedom of speech class Wednesday, is asking for divestment from private prisons. PrezBo has agreed to meet with both groups separately.
Fact check better. People who aren’t even involved with the movement shouldn’t have to tell you this.