bwog doesn't pay to clean up our own shit

Knew I should’ve taken the stairs…..

Bwog awakens from post-Thanksgiving slumber to bring important news. An anonymous friend, stuck on campus, sent the following series of tips to Bwog:

“Someone shat in spec elevator”
“They’re trying not to have the info leaked that it happened”
“They’re trying to keep it silenced”
“They paid to have it removed”

While this could just be a harmless rumor, this might not be the first time someone has popped a squat in the elevator. To continue with the Cobra Starship theme, “party queens if you wanna be seen take a shit where you sleep and smile real wide for the p-p-p-p-paparazzi.”

Bwog doesn’t shit where we sleep (most of the time). Elevator man via Shutterstock.