If you haven’t had a final yet, we know today is the day to end all days. No need for Bwog is take up the limited space you’ve allotted in your mind to read words outside of those on your exam and your scribbled “essay” response in your Blue Book – we’re downsizing to Bwog In Bed to not waste your limited precious word processing skills and to celebrate the big day. Cheers, from Bwog to you (who we hope is still in bed, too).

Bwogline: We should get a MTA line running on Amsterdam Avenue that matches the design of this celebratory Amsterdam train station. (Engadget)

Study Tip: Have snacks at the ready. Nothing is worse than getting hungry and leaving your prime real estate in Butler to get a snack for…two hours. The two outcomes are that someone probably stole your seat and your word count on that paper has not increased one bit. Nutrition supersedes any grade on any paper and if it’s easily accessible, your body and mind both gain from continued focus.

Procrastinate: Who said procrastination can’t make you feel good? Take a few minutes (or more) and realize that the world is not out to get you, because these strangers on the Internet really want to you to be happy! And pass your exams! Feel better already, right?!

Overheard: “If there were a service, how much would you pay to be signed into EC?”