We're getting there

We’re getting there

Wyoming and Utah have been on the lookout for new ways to carry out executions, since supplies of the drugs used in lethal injections have been dwindling rapidly. Both states are on their way to reinstating the firing squad, suggesting that they’ve mostly been looking to the past for inspiration. (Independent, Fox News)

A U.S. Coast Guard icebreaker is frantically rushing through the ice of Antarctica in an effort to save a stranded Australian vessel. (AFP via Yahoo News)

Police in Oklahoma arrested “approximately 5%” of the population of Clayton, OK, in an effort to break up a large methamphetamine and prescription drug ring. One is left wondering what percentage of the population made use of the ring’s services. (Fox 25)

New York City is looking for a way to combat the rise of flushable wipes in sewers. Cleaning out the “convenient” wipes costs the city $3 million per year, prompting some city lawmakers to seek legislation to re-label the wipes as non-flushable. (ABC 7)

Two brave Columbia students—one of the TC, the other of GS—shared their tale of finding a two-bedroom apartment in the Upper West Side for $2,650/month. (New York Times)

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