From the comment section, we surmise this is the typical reaction to receiving news from Bwog

Poor man. Subjected to news about Columbia University.

Professor Mercer talks about Columbia when comparing the experience teaching here and teaching in prison. (Washington Post)

Former N.B.A. player Troy Murphy talks about Columbia in describing what it’s like to go back to school here. (New York Times)

Forbes talks about Columbia when they evaluate the significance of the recent administrative decision to close the Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

President Obama and visiting Afghani President Ghani talk about Columbia as they briefly recall their time here for the benefit of watching press corp. (USA Today)

Everyone, it seems, is talking about Columbia as they anticipate the release of the Journalism School’s report on the now infamous Rolling Stone UVA exposé attempt. Look for that coming soon. (CNN Money)

Delightfully disturbed gossip, via Shutterstock