This sunny and warm morning has blessed us with another gift: 2016 Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton arrived on campus to give her keynote address at the 18th Annual David N. Dinkins Leadership Forum earlier this morning.
Students en route to class have stopped to take pictures with or of the former First Lady, and her strolling through College Walk and campus has made her more camera-friendly than the current First Lady was in February.
Follow our twitter as we post more glory shots of Hillary herself, and you can catch her speech here.
- Sun spotlight on Hill
- Selfie of selfies
- Hillary, one with the students
- A candidate with open arms
- A Woman Upon a Hill
Gallery photos courtesy of Jared Odessky and Tess Glassman-Kaufman
@Anonymous Really good weather this morning.
Just saying. The pictures reminded me of how not-wintery it finally is. Nicely captured.
@anonuh Just another war criminal. I for one do not welcome our new overlords
@anon umadbro? Back to back World war champs, saving innocents in the world every day, killing terrorist scum, all while being an economic leader for the world. U wish whatever shitty country you came from was as cool as the USA
@Anonymous We love you Hillary!
@anon wonder if author of this post is voting for Hillary