Update, 6:30 pm: The protesters appear to have cleared away.
Protesters have amassed outside the 116th gates with the sign “Welcome Putin the Peacemaker.” They are criticizing the U.S. and the Ukrainian government for their policies in Ukraine, and specifically the presence of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko at the World Leaders Forum.
They’ve led numerous chants against the United States in general and Poroshenko in particular, including, “Hey hey, ho ho, Poroshenko’s got to go,” “Crimea is Russia,” and “The capitalist police protect Nazis.” The protestors’ signs accuse Obama and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko of “war crimes” and urge the White House to “stop funding Neo-Nazis in Ukraine.”
One of the protesters attacked a policeman, and was tackled and arrested. (See video below.)
NYPD is controlling the protest and directing students away from College Walk.
- Wide view of the protest and surrounding people
- Protesters
- Calling Ukrainians “Nazis” seems to be a common theme here
- NYPD at the scene
@lololololol And Russia just bombed Syria… #putinthepeacemaker
@hmmm This is funny. While I think Russia has some historically legitimate claims to Crimea and perhaps the situation in Ukraine is more complicated than portrayed in the American media, the idea that Putin is a peacemaker good fodder for jokes.
@Anonymous Lol, pro Putin supporters. Now I’ve heard everything.
@CC 16 This is the first piece of actual news Bwog has posted in ages. I’ll keep reading if you let me know what’s actually going on around campus.