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Posts Tagged with "wlf"

On Thursday, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis condemned Russian aggression and emphasized the need for a united international community.

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This Friday, students and alumni gathered in Low Rotunda to attend the final event of this year’s World Leaders Forum. The event featured President Santiago Peña Palacios, who assumed office a month ago as a member of Paraguay’s conservative Colorado Party. Peña gave a short speech, then sat down for a Q&A session facilitated by […]

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This Monday, Events Editor Alison Hog attended the first of Columbia’s World Leaders Forum events: a conversation with President Abinader Corona, the president of the Dominican Republic.

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On Thursday, Deputy Events Editor Kyra Chassaing and Deputy Editor Sahmaya Busby attended “Social Innovation: Sourcing Capital for Global Challenges,” a World Leaders Forum panel discussion featuring President Minouche Shafik, civil and environmental engineer Gary White, and Academy Award-winning actor Matt Damon.

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On Thursday, September 26th, Rwandan President Paul Kagame attended President Bollinger’s annual World Leaders Forum. This forum offers students the chance to hear preeminent global figures and to be exposed to different viewpoints. Deputy Science Editor Sarah Braner attended. 

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As part of the World Leaders Forum taking place at Columbia this week, leaders gathered for a Global Health Security event featuring a keynote speaker, a moderated panel discussion, and an open Q and A session. Bwogger Lori Luo reports.

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A staff writer details another installment of the World Leaders Forum: His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of Mozambique, on addressing development through the lens of the new UN sustainable development goals. Monday, as part of this year’s World Leaders Forum, His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, the President of the Republic of Mozambique, discussed his efforts […]

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Update, 6:30 pm: The protesters appear to have cleared away. Protesters have amassed outside the 116th gates with the sign “Welcome Putin the Peacemaker.”  They are criticizing the U.S. and the Ukrainian government for their policies in Ukraine, and specifically the presence of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko at the World Leaders Forum. They’ve led numerous chants against […]

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Staff Writer Joanna Zhang reports on the latest installment of the World Leaders Forum: President Michelle Bachelet of Chile. President of Chile Michelle Bachelet walked into Low Library’s Rotunda like a superstar. She ended her last presidential term in 2010 with 84% popularity and was appointed the first Director of UN Women, so it’s no […]

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Staff Writer Amara Banks reports from yet another World Leaders Forum event. President Marie-Louise Preca of Malta presented a talk on inequality and the state. The Columbia University community was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to hear from one of the world’s greatest leaders on Thursday, September 23rd. Her Excellency Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of […]

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Sometimes Bwog can’t get enough feminism.  And by that, we mean generally speaking insofar as feminism means being a DSpar fangirl and Bwog’s role within the walls of a women’s college.  On occasion, Bwog does find some feminism on the other side of Broadway.  On Monday, Bwog’s resident Columbia feminist Roberta Barnett checked out a […]

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There’s nothing that delights Bwog more than to show off the extensive vocabulary we’ve accumulated in our years sitting through Gulati lectures. And by that, we mean Art History lectures and Creative Writing seminars. But one of our newest (and bestest) staff members, Econ Enthusiast and Vocabulary Purveyor Extraordinaire Jed Bush, hopped over to the […]

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The appearance of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi at the WLF today has drawn some protest online. Will we see political activism on campus? (Various) Why you skip class (kind of) and what to do about “anxiety-related school refusal”. (WSJ) Not that this affects the vast majority of you campus-loving college students, but it looks […]

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Certainly feels like “we’re back b—-es” should not be the visible slogan for the revitalized encampment, especially if we want (read more)
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Certainly feels like “We’re back bitches” is not the slogan we should be using if we want to decenter ourselves (read more)
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How the fuck was this asshole not deported as of Jan 7, 2021. (read more)
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She is an icon, she is a legend, and she IS the moment. Barnard, my life, and all of NYC (read more)
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