where is our Charmin Ultra Soft?

Where is our Charmin Ultra Soft?

One week ago, CCSC took a stand on a very important and very pressing campus issue: toilet paper quality. Their petition on change.org provides a quote from “Joe the Pooper”, a student with particularly “anustounding” testimony regarding the unbelievably pathetic 2-ply TP Columbia’s top notch students are forced to deal with:

“I’m a sophomore in Columbia College and my experience with toilet paper at Columbia has been extremely disappointing. It’s gotten so bad that I regularly go out and purchase my own higher quality paper from stores near campus. It’s unfair for me to have to spend my own money to maintain a basic degree of comfort for something (constipation notwithstanding), I and everyone else does on a regular basis.”

CCSC says they’ve been talking to campus services and want to make 3-ply an option for those who want it, and they think this change will make a real change to campus life. Is it the anal attitude of some students they’re trying to fix?

As Elle Woods would say, “All those opposed to chafing, please say ‘I,'” by signing CCSC’s petition.

Image of the next DWB with 3-ply via CCSC